Поздняков Константин Константинович
Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ
кандидат экономических наук, МВА, доцент кафедры «Корпоративное управление»

Инвестиционная политика - это один из органических компонентов экономической политики. Осуществление эффективной инвестиционной политики во многом зависит от правильности стратегии и тактики общих экономических реформ на макро - и на микро-уровне.


Pozdnyakov Konstantin Konstantinovich
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Associate Professor of Department of corporate, MBA, PhD

Investment policy - is one of organic components of the economic policy. Implementation of effective investment policy in many respects depends on a strategy correctness and tactics of general economic reforms at the macro- as well as at the micro-level.

Keywords: investment climate, investment policy, regional policy, Russian Federation


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Поздняков К.К. Investment Marketing // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2015. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2015/11/59649 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

In the setting of market economy, regions integrate into the global economy on their own and are increasingly forced to compete with each other for investment. The territory transforms from just a place of economic actions to a seller of goods and services, i.e., equal participant in the market. Settlement is “sold” as a commodity with its value and usefulness. We are, therefore, talking of the marketing of the region as an integral part of the regional (economic) policy. Marketing of the regions is the border discipline at the junction of the region’s economy and marketing.

Thus, the search for industry segments, which allow regional economy specialization for effective long-term development (based on the increase in its “value”, i.e. the production potential and value, production of the best-selling products), has to start with market research.

According to the theory of marketing, selecting the strategy and regional priorities is followed by positioning of the region. The most common means for the dissemination of information about the region simultaneously with formation of its positive image are currently information brochures.

Since marketing processes in Russian regions are not developed enough, we submit our vision of building a system of regional marketing in general.

Hereafter we suggest activities contributing to the formation of a favorable image of the region. These include: creation of a regional venture capital fund; creation of a regional development agency; development of dissemination channel on the investment attractiveness of the region.

1. Creation of a Regional Venture Capital Fund

Objective of the Fund: commercialization of scientific research, that is, orientation of scientific potential of the area to commercial development projects and implementation of them into real business. All functions related to development and implementation of innovative projects, as well as the search for outside investors, are performed by management investment companies. These companies obtain the status of commissioners for the Fund through the accreditation process. The interest of the authorized companies bases on their remuneration due to the successful implementation of the project.

Management companies present innovative projects to the Fund. The presented projects should contain financial, organizational, technological, marketing, human resource aspects of the project; effectiveness evaluation; estimated share of financing from the Fund and by co-investors.

The Foundation (through the Board) selects projects for funding. The selection process should be supported with the independent experts evaluating the content (scientific and commercial) aspects of the project. A necessary condition for allocation of funds by the Foundation is the realization of the project (creation of assets) in the Perm region.

Anticipated tasks of the Foundation:

  • development of the regulatory framework governing the mechanisms of venture capital investment
  • selection, beginning of financing and bringing to the stage of the first innovative projects.

Main government support directions for the development and implementation of innovative projects.

Government support for the development and implementation of innovative projects is carried out through a system of venture financing of innovative projects. To achieve this, the fund to promote venture capital investments is created (hereinafter – “the Fund”).

I. General principles of government support for the development and implementation of innovative projects with the help of the Fund:

1. the Fund, established in the form of a non-profit organization, involved in equity financing (together with other investors) the development and implementation of innovative projects

2. resourses of the Fund, allocated for the implementation of projects located exclusively in the joint-stock companies and limited liability companies. The Fund and certain third-party investors receive shares (share capital) of these companies

3. all functions related to the immediate development and implementation (management) of innovative projects, as well as the search for outside investors, are operated by management companies. Status of a management company can be obtained by a legal entity that meets the requirements and passed the accreditation process under the Fund. Interest of the management companies in the development and implementation of innovative projects is based on their remuneration due to the successful implementation of the project. The size and terms of remuneration of a management company is determined by the agreement of all the project participants prior to its implementation.

4. refund to the Fund is carried out through the realization of its ownership interest (share capital) of the company, created for the project, after reaching the initial set of results. The right of pre-emption of shares (shares) held by the Fund, can be reserved for other project participants.

Management companies shall submit to the Fund an innovative project. The presented project should contain financial, organizational, technological, marketing, human resource aspects; provide the deadlines of the project; effectiveness evaluation of the project; estimated share of project financing from the Fund; proposed size and shape of the remuneration of the management company.

The project must include the documents legally enshrining the rights and responsibilities of all participants of the project: Foundation, outside investors, management company, initiator of the project, authors of scientific ideas that are used in the project. The project should offer conditions and procedures for the Foundation’s exit from the project (i.e. disposal of assets or share capital) and the associated pre-emptive right of other investors to buy the shares (share capital).

The Foundation (through the Board) selects projects for funding out of the total number of received projects. In order to support the selection process the Board of Directors may invite independent experts, assessing the substantive (scientific) aspects of the project. The final decision on financing innovative projects is made by the Board of Directors. A necessary condition for allocation of funds by the Foundation is the project implementation (creation of assets).

Following the Board of Directors’ decision on project financing and the Management Company’s legal confirmation of the legal arrangements with all participants of the project, participants perform their duties on the capital formation, i.e. contribute to the charter capital.

The Management Company that presented the project manages the project.

After achieving initially defined results, the Fund sells its stake under the conditions specified in the project.

2. Creation of the Regional Development Agency

The purpose of the Agency is to assist enterprises in attracting investment and assist investors in creating new facilities and upgrading and expanding existing.

To achieve these objectives, the Agency will carry out activities in the following areas:

  • advising companies on attracting investment
  • assistance in the design of investment projects and the necessary documentation for their implementation
  • assistance in the search of fund sources for projects
  • information support for large investors interested in investing (embassies, banks, investment companies and funds, large private investors, and others)
  • negotiations, consultations and other activities with strategic investors in order to attract them
  • organization and implementation of requirements compliance analysis of investment projects and (or) applications for investment project development
  • disclosure of the available investment projects, requirements and conditions of the investment to all stakeholders on a regular basis
  • providing advice to enterprises on how to receive targeted support for investments from the regional budget
  • on behalf of authorized government preparation of agreements to provide targeted support for investments from the regional budget
  • support of investment projects
  • consultation workshops on investment for managers of enterprises

Management of the Agency is carried out by Collegial Supreme Management Body – Board of Directors and Individual Executive Body.

3. Development of Dissemination Channels on the Region’s Investment Attractiveness

The main target markets will directly affect the promotional material production in respect of the language in which they must be submitted.

Promotional materials should preferably be presented in several languages; in this case, the deterrent will be the costs and resources required for translation. Accordingly, to minimise the costs and provide the most extensive coverage of the information, we propose that the target languages should be English and Russian.

The material containing an overview of the regions should be distributed as widely as possible in a compliable format.

Development of the first set of materials – providing content for future promotional materials / website to promote certain industries.

In addition to the printed materials a profile of the region should be created on the Internet. This has several advantages: lower costs, the ability to update information and the ability to disseminate information internationally.

The information contained on the site may be posted on the own websites of the parties involved, sites such as APP, City Hall and the Regional Administration.

Collective project works should be reflected in the introductory pages of the Internet presentation materials which, in turn, should contribute to the further unification of the various web sites into a single system. This can be done either through a separate download information on each site, either by creating a single coherent system of reciprocal links when the information delivered to a site is automatically transferred to other system sites that allows you to simultaneously update information on all the sites.

In other words, when placing any information in the system, it immediately goes to all the regions websites. This information may also be available to other organizations, and posted on their existing or future web sites.

Along with general information about the region’s investment climate and investment opportunities, more detailed information may be provided in the form of leaflets on key areas, including:

1. useful contacts in the region

2. economic statistics

3. educational institutions

4. visa regulations

5. enterprises registration procedure

6. tax regulations

7. exchange regulations

8. long-term lease of land / land ownership

In order to improve the effectiveness of this regional investment marketing method it is necessary to improve the following:

  • description of the return mechanism of investment resources and assuring guarantees for the investor
  • greater flexibility in offering possible forms and technologies of investment (currently 95% of projects require investment or bank loans)
  • ensuring possibility of obtaining more information on the project directly on the Internet
  • discussion of investment projects on the server

Internet technology today provides all the conditions for rapid exchange of views, suggestions, and panel discussions. Internet representation of the Regional Administration may deploy on their server discussions about the problems of attracting investments into the economy of the region, discussions of the difficulties encountered by entrepreneurs in the creation of new businesses or receiving benefits, and much more. The area residents, stakeholders from other regions and countries would be able to join the discussions.

After a series of activities aimed at improvement of information about the region, it is possible to carry out the described diagnostics to test the effectiveness of these measures.

4. Contribution to Carrying Out Exhibitions of Regional Products

Organization of fairs and exhibitions of the regional product is also a frequently used means of raising awareness of the regional enterprises and organizations to each other, finding potential investors, partners and new markets. Most of these activities are organized by the Administration in its own region (hence the low awareness and low attendance of businessmen from other regions), or participation of several regional companies in inter-regional exhibitions is organised. For a more active policy the Administration can organize their own peculiar exhibition tours to other countries and the CIS countries with the participation of representatives of companies producing good quality products. The overall quality level of products exposed to such fairs and exhibitions should facilitate the formation of an attractive image of the region as an emerging economic and territorial entity, capable of producing high-quality and useful products generalist.

5. Formation of a Favorable Image of the Regional Administration

Despite the attempts of several organizations to develop a profile of the region by means of promotional materials production, the regions still remain unknown to many potential investors and visitors.

In addition, successful events aimed at promoting certain sectors, such as tourism promotion and investment in the industry, require that:

a) potential customers are made aware of the region

b) information they have, would be favorable and real

Significant role in the region image formation is the diagnosis and correction of the image that has emerged in relation to regional authorities. The credibility of the regional administration is fundamental in deciding to invest in the region.

6. Increasing Transparency of Regional Policy

Successful investment policy implementation requires the population and businesses support. Esecialy signifinant becomes such a factor as increasing transparency of regional policy. Citizens and businesses need to be clearly informed of the chosen priorities to understand their meaning and validity, as well as to regularly receive information on the measures taken by the administration to support policy priorities. Helping to attract capital to priority sectors or segments, increasing the demand for their products by introducing tax benefits, the regional authorities improve the expected rate of return. It is a powerful incentive for the inflow of capital and new businesses in the industry. The targeted policy is also evidenced by the authorities’ confidence in the prospects of the industry, as well as the hidden promise to support enterprises engaged in these areas. This often attracts private capital from banks and other sources.

Thus, development of the most important (in terms of investment climate) areas of the regional economy and increasing the role of some investment policy instruments can have a significant beneficial effect on investments.

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