Articles by keyword «советская милиция»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Создание и становление уголовного розыска в тюменском регионе (1918-1923 гг.)

№ 10 October 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Некоторые особенности деятельности органов милиции по пресечению правонарушений в первые годы советской власти

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Отдельные функции органов тюменской милиции по архивным материалам региона

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Firsov I.F. The creation of the Soviet system of law enforcement bodies on transport in the Tyumen region (1919 - 1921)

November, 2014

Firsov I.F. Prevention and suppression of fires as one of the functions of the Soviet militia formation period (according to the archive materials of the Tyumen region)

July, 2015

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Firsov I.F. Some of the functions of the militia in the first years of Soviet power

August, 2014

Firsov I.F. The part of the police of the Tyumen region in the implementation of the policy of «military communism»

October, 2014

Firsov I.F. The activities of the police to implement the policies of central and local government in the conditions of the Soviet state

June, 2015

Firsov I.F. Some questions of the organization of policing on the railways (based on the archives of the Tyumen region)

August, 2015

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Firsov I.F. From the history of creation of militia in Ishim and Ishim counties (1917 - 1923)

October, 2014

Firsov I.F. Red banditry and the Soviet police in the archival documents of the Tyumen region

June, 2015