Buryak Bogdan Vitalyevich1, Pyatiletovа Lyudmila Vladimirovna2
1Ural State University of Railway Transport, student
2Ural State University of Railway Transport, candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the chair of Philosophy and History

Mass culture as the dominant global cultural practice, becoming an object of scientific research, can be generally considered both critically (the sphere of manipulation) and "positively" (the space of democratization and emancipation). The second approach seems most productive from the point of view of revealing (new examples of the "cultural" manifestation of culture - art) of new (ambivalent) phenomenological "bundles" of social and "cultural".

Category: 24.00.00 Cultures

Article reference:
Social "effects" of mass culture // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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