Articles by keyword «социальное поведение»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Инновационные методы управления социальным поведением в организации

№ 6 June 2017 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Chernykh G.A. Conceptual interpretation of the process of individualization in sociological theories from the end XIX-early XX century.

March, 2014

Podolskay O.A., Klokova A.V. Peculiarities of social behavior of boys and girls of preschool age in the role-playing game

May, 2014

Kosheleva A.N., Khoroshikh V.V. Key attitudes of social behavior in contemporary child at different stages of ontogenesis

October, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Podolskay O.A. Features of social behavior of children of the advanced preschool age

January, 2015