Articles by keyword «радиосвязь»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Эволюция связи

№ 5 May 2017 | Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Основные задачи и проблемы в радиолокации

№ 5 May 2017 | Category: 01.00.00 Physics and mathematics

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kosturov G.A., Kalach G.P., Moiseev A.P. The history of radio development and its use for military purposes

June, 2016

Toropov I.V., Moiseev A.P., Kalach G.P. Radio communications in the Far North

June, 2016

Toropov I.V., Moiseev A.P., Kalach G.P. Modern trends in radio technology

September, 2016

Kitaevich F.A., Pavlov N.G., Svidunovich K.E., Simonenko I.V., Shidlovskiy S.V. Features of radio communications of the Soviet forces in the Republic of Afghanistan

January, 2017