Articles by keyword «интертекстуальные связи»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Анималистический и бестиарный аспекты образа кота / кошки в лирике А.А. Ахматовой

№ 5 May 2017 | Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Leontieva A.Y. The occasionality and precedence of the Russian-French jargon B.Y. Poplavsky

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Kuzmicheva I.V. Mythopoetic aspect of intertextual links in the image of Morgunova from the novel “F.M.” by B. Akunin

October, 2014

Kuzmicheva I.V. Intertextual links in the image of Morgunova from the novel “F.M.” by B. Akunin with mythopoetic views of the wich’s images

November, 2014