Articles by keyword «компетентность»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

О формировании языковой компетентности (из опыта преподавания)

№ 10 October 2017 | Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Модель механизма подготовки и переподготовки государственных служащих Российской Федерации

№ 12 December 2019 | Category: 23.00.00 Political sciences

Особенности профессиональной подготовки государственных и муниципальных служащих в Российской Федерации

№ 1 January 2020 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Готовность педагога к профессиональной деятельности

№ 1 January 2020 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Dzyubenko O.L., Kozhenkov A.O., Pyshnograev D.V. Formation of professional competence of future military experts

September, 2011

Osobov I.P. Pedagogical creativity and competence as factors in the professional development of students

November, 2011

Ustinina G.F. Video in language learning as a means of formation of cross-cultural communication skills

March, 2013

Gvozdova A.N. Organizational skills development pedagogical approaches the future expert for example constructors-designers

May, 2013

Pachomova O.A. Methods and mechanisms of personal development in the university area

July, 2013

Kozyreva O.A. Conceptual approaches to the development of professional competence of the master

January, 2015

Natalia A.S. Formation of the general cultural competences of pedagogical high school students by means of a foreign language

August, 2015

Shmatko M.V. The impact of social networks on the communication skills of teens

December, 2016

Likhacheva A.N. The competence-based paradigm in realization of the communicative and activity approach in teaching foreign language

January, 2017

Alekseeva M.I. Tradition and innovation in modern higher education

April, 2017

Развитие языковой компетенции: проблемы и подходы

February, 2019

К вопросу о реализации образовательного процесса посредством педагогического проектирования

September, 2022

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Alexander K. The structure, content and basic aspects of the formation of professional competencies of the graduates of the military institution, viewed in the context of a holistic educational process

April, 2014

Vasilenko N.V. Model development of methodical competence of teachers in terms of postgraduate education

July, 2014

Oreshechkina M.R. The study of the structure of professional competence of students - future psychologists

December, 2014

Ovsyannikova O.A. Factor analysis which determine the professional competence of students-psychologists

January, 2015

Shаma I.V. The theoretical bases of future practical psychologists' readiness to prevent and resolve conflicts

March, 2015

Tarasenko A.S. Competence and the crisis of education

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kutuzov A.V. Key aspects of pedagogical phenomenon of formation of professional competencies for students military universities

April, 2014

Koloskova O.K., Vorotnyak T.M., Khomko O.Y. Quality assessment the effectiveness of learning of pediatrics at different stages of educational process (results of correlation and multifactor analysis)

January, 2015

Kozlov P.G. The need for the introduction of educational standards concepts «organizational-pedagogical competence»

February, 2015

Khomko O.Y., Sydorchuk R.I., Sydorchuk L.P., Grodetskyi V.K., Biluk I.I. The problem of estimation (diagnostics) of the competence of medical students, interns and advanced training course learners

March, 2015

Tarasova S.A. Role of motivation in formation of medical students’ prognostic competence

July, 2015

Soshnikov A.E. Concept of competence of the educational standard of the third generation

August, 2015

Kozlov P.G., Kabanova I.V., Stoyushko N.Y. The reflexive competence modern teacher as a factor influencing the quality of the educational process

January, 2016

Markarjan A.S., Popov S.V. Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm

July, 2016

Tarasova S.A. Creative approach in formation of medical university students’ prognostic competence

December, 2016