Author: Короткова Неля Николаевна

Articles of the author in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Программная реализация алгоритма расчета экономических показателей проекта по разработке программного продукта по модели COCOMO

№ 9 September 2018 | Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Korotkova N.N. Software implementation for solving the problem of finding the best parameters of the Birnbaum’s model

October, 2013

Korotkova N.N. Developing an algorithm for optimal control of a discrete-time switched and Markovian jump linear systems

October, 2014

Korotkova N.N. development and program implementation of algorithm of modeling the propagation of innovations

November, 2015

Korotkova N.N. Development and program implementation of an algorithm of modeling of interaction of software manufacturers in the market

October, 2016

Программная реализация алгоритма прямого вейвлет-преобразования в MathCad

September, 2017