Халымов Нурмухаммет1, Мырадова Гулвепа1, Нурмухаммедов Бакы1
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули


Halymov Nurmuhammet1, Myradova Gulvepa2, Nurmuhammedov Baky3
1Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of "Criminal Law" department
2Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of the "Criminal Law" department, associate professor, candidate of legal sciences
3Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, student of Law faculty

The concept of law describes the relationship of people to law from the inner and spiritual aspects of human activity. Legal culture acts as an external expression of their relationship to law.

Keywords: legal adaptation, legal culture, legal education

Рубрика: 12.00.00 ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Халымов Н., Мырадова Г., Нурмухаммедов Б. Legal culture, legal education and legal adaptation // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2022. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2022/12/99499 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

The concept of law expresses the relationship of people to law from the inner and spiritual aspects of human activity.  Legal culture acts as an external expression of their relationship to law.

As is known, culture is the totality of unique, artificial, scientific, literary and artistic objects created by people as a result of scientific, technical and artistic creativity.  Legal culture is a type of general culture conditioned by the level of economic, political, social and spiritual development of society.  It shows the extent to which the legal values ​​collected by mankind over a long period of time and passed down from generation to generation are mastered in the society and their use.

Scientific-legal literature provides a list of defining conditions that make up legal culture.  In particular, they include the following:

culture of legal thinking (knowledge of legal norms, ability to use legal knowledge and apply them in practice);

the culture of the concept of law (understanding the nature of social-legal phenomena and understanding the necessity of law as a regulator of social relations);

A culture of legal behavior (understanding and realizing that actions must be in accordance with established legal norms).

Depending on the distribution of the legal culture (movement and groups of persons affected), it can be noted that it has the following types:

legal culture of society;

legal culture of social groups and people (collectives);

individual legal culture.

The life (social) purpose of legal culture is manifested in the tasks it performs.  The following are the basics of those functions:

Value function;

Cognitive function;

Regulatory function;

The function of predicting legal development.

Informational function and other functions of the impact of legal culture on life-legal reality.

As the main areas of the sequence (process) of forming a legal culture, the habits and customs of legal behavior are:

legal appeals (agitation);

legal advocacy (propaganda);

legal education;

is to be formed through means such as legal education.

The legal concept of the individual is to a large extent formed by legal adaptation (socialization).  It also has a great impact on the formation and improvement of the legal culture of an individual.

Legal adaptation (socialization) is a continuous activity aimed at acquiring the necessary life-legal knowledge and skills over a period of time, in order to form a legal (lawful) behavior of a person, mastering legal knowledge and requirements.

The main thing to note here is that a person’s legal adaptation (socialization), that is, mastering useful social rules and actions, takes place throughout his life.  A person’s legal adaptation to real life is greatly influenced by his own life.

From the moment of birth to the end of life, each person goes through a path of development that is continuous, but in terms of its results, it is mainly the first 15-25 years of his life that are most important.  The way of that development is also known as human adaptation to life (socialization).  The essence of his adaptation to life (socialization) is the life values ​​(language and knowledge, human thinking and  It consists of activities aimed at mastering his/her understanding, his/her relationship with others and himself/herself, norms of behavior, habits, habits, personal characteristics, needs, abilities, etc.

According to famous spiritual scientist Leontev A.N.  : “A person is born as an animal with the ability to become a person, a person, as a result of the development that continues throughout his life.  As soon as the world descends, a huge store of achievements of human development (civilization) appears in front of it.  Whatever he chooses from that store, he and his life will be like that for the rest of his life.’’

But “mastering life” does not happen in the same way in all individuals.  In life, he is selected from the animal world, and all his needs are natural (eating, drinking, sleeping, not sleeping, not heating, sexual desires, etc.) and material life (expensive clothes, vehicles, housing, furniture, etc.).  m.) how often you can meet people who are limited by their needs.  In addition, the adaptation (socialization) of the individual to life can be met with situations where the positive movement towards spiritual development is initially successful, and then turns into a negative direction.  A person’s adaptation to life goes in the opposite direction is called asocialization, while the person overcomes his temporary negative tendencies and re-adapts to the right way, it is called resocialization.

Legal adaptation (socialization) is a part of the adaptation (socialization) of the individual to the general life.  Its content, as mentioned above, consists in the assimilation of legal values ​​by the individual in order to transform them into the norms, behavior, personal qualities and spiritual characteristics used in his life.  The spiritual goal of legal adaptation is to ensure the spiritual-legal development of the individual, his high legal culture, and the correct legal spirituality that establishes his behavior in accordance with the law.  Russian jurist-scientist S.S.  Alekseev noted: “In order to live in law (in a life organized on the basis of law), first of all, law must live in us.”

  1. Lazarev V. V., Lipen S. V.  Theory of state and law.  Chrestomathy.  Volumes I-II.  Moscow, 2001.
  2. Vlasov V. I.  Theory of state and law: Textbook for higher legal institutions and faculties.  Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002.

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