Кувайцев Александр Вячеславович1, Мукминов Рамиль Раисович2
1Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт филиал национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ», студент
2Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт филиал национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ», старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков

В данной статье описано влияние окружающей среды на человека. Из-за загрязнения окружающей среды происходит снижение плодородия почв, деградация и опустынивание земель, гибель растительного и животного мира, ухудшение качества атмосферного воздуха, поверхностных и подземных вод. В совокупности это приводит к исчезновению с лица Земли целых экосистем и биологических видов, ухудшению здоровья населения и уменьшению продолжительности жизни людей.

Ключевые слова: влияние на человека, иностранный язык, окружающая среда


Kuvaytsev Aleksandr Vyacheslavovich1, Mukminov Ramil Raisovich2
1Dimitrovgrad Engineering and Technological Institute of the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, student
2Dimitrovgrad Engineering and Technological Institute of the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, senior lecturer faculty of foreign languages

This article describes the impact of the environment on a person. Because of environmental pollution, soil fertility declines, land degradation and desertification, destruction of plant and animal life, deterioration of the quality of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater. Together, this leads to the disappearance of whole ecosystems and species from the face of the Earth, to deteriorating the health of the population and reducing the life expectancy of people.

Keywords: Earth, environment, foreign language, Impact on humans


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Кувайцев А.В., Мукминов Р.Р. Impact of the environment on humans // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2017. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2017/04/81499 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).

For millions of years, people have adapted to the terrestrial conditions of existence, affecting the body. Such influences encompass energy impacts (including physical fields), certain characteristics of the atmosphere, the water environment, the landscape of the terrain and the nature of its biosystems, the balance and stability of climatic and landscape conditions, energy impacts, the rhythm of natural phenomena, etc. The influence of these factors on the activity of a living being was Convincingly shown about 100 years ago. Chizhevsky, who drew attention to the energy phenomena associated with the Sun. He managed to show that the prevalence of many diseases (in particular – cardiovascular) is closely related to the 14-year period of solar activity fluctuations. It has now been proven that the phases of the moon also have a significant effect on a person’s condition, for example, on his psyche, blood coagulation, well-being, etc[1].

The dependence of man on the periodicity of solar and lunar activity was fixed in a certain alternation of the state of his health and well-being in the form of certain biorhythms. Knowing the patterns of their changes (and they have, as many experts believe, their periodicity for the physical, mental and even intellectual state of each person), it is possible to calculate in advance the possible periods of risk for one’s health, and the periods most favorable for the realization of certain intentions.

Natural patterns, which for the most part still constitute a mystery for human cognition, cause certain and sometimes very significant changes in the conditions in which a person is. One of them is the atmospheric pressure, the appreciable fluctuations of which) lead not only to weather changes that affect the human condition, but can directly cause damage to their health. For example, people with high blood pressure are worse than people with elevated atmospheric pressure, and those with high blood pressure feel worse[2].

Dependence on natural factors and their unpredictability predetermined the desire of man to make himself more protected, independent of the vicissitudes of nature, for which he created and invented all new, facilitating his life, increasingly favorable conditions of existence and perfect instruments of production. This provided him with comfortable conditions for maintaining life (clothes, housing, furniture, etc.) and allowed to receive products and products with less expenditure of muscle labor. At the same time, people’s requests were constantly growing, which required expansion and intensification of production. In providing the latter, people increasingly used natural materials and energy supplies. The relationship of man with nature as civilization progressed increasingly changed from the adaptation of man to the conditions of existence inherent in almost the entire process of evolution, to a change in these conditions themselves. At the same time, human influence on nature was (and continues to be) carried out in several directions[1-3]:

  1. A person is needed and he takes from nature for his needs the available wealth (wood, oil, metal, coal, clay, etc.).
  2. To protect themselves from the vagaries of nature, a person transforms the natural environment: builds canals and reservoirs, planted forest protective bands, establishes dams and even attempts to turn the rivers back.
  3. Developing the economy, a person brings into the environment many substances as purposeful (for example, pesticides and insecticides, mineral fertilizers, etc.), and in the form of by-products of production (in the form of production waste, air emissions of products manufactured by enterprises, motor vehicles and etc.).

Guided by such principles, a person, on the one hand, has the opportunity to obtain the desired result at a lower cost of his energy, but on the other, as Engels warned in the nineteenth century, ultimately this leads to irreparable consequences of the violation of the natural environment that formed The person himself[4].

The environment with its physical, chemical, climatic, biological and other parameters from the point of view of the evolution of biological species is relatively conservative. Its gradual (in the scale of life of generations of animal organisms) changes caused the corresponding adaptive rearrangements of animal species, contributing to the evolution itself. However, the situation has increasingly began to change from the time of the appearance on Earth of a man who did not himself adapt to nature, but began to increasingly transform nature “for himself.” This process was purposeful in the form of creating new reservoirs, reversing the rivers, planting new forest plantations, introducing artificially created substances into the soil (pesticides, insecticides, nitrites, pharmacology contained in preservative products, protein additives, etc.), considerable Some of which enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract and distort the metabolic process, etc.

Moreover, in addition to the expected effects, indirect and harmful effects also arose: the depletion of natural resources, the release of more and more waste products into the atmosphere, the creation of artificial sources of radioactivity, the destruction of the ozone layer.

Human activity in the transformation of nature has led to the emergence of relatively new conditions of existence for him. It should be borne in mind that the disturbance of the natural environment is almost global for the whole Earth, due to air flows, the cycle of water in nature, ocean currents, transport, migration of animals, etc. For example, now only a third of the Earth’s land area does not bear visible traces of human activity (33.6% in Russia, 37.5% in North America, 27.5% in Africa, 2.8% in Europe) , And from the many forests that had previously covered the Earth and provided its atmosphere with oxygen, only the forests of Siberia and the Amazon basin still continue to fulfill this role. It is assumed that the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy will be felt by humanity at least 50 to 80: in the form of children with physical and mental disabilities, in the distress of many millions of people living in the zones affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, in the active migration of people with a change in their way of life In the exclusion from the use of large land areas, in the violation of the structure and destruction of the structural links of the biogeocenosis, in the impacts on certain species of flora and fauna at the expense of other species, through the creation earlier Non-existent structural elements and bonds of biologically active synthetic substances and the emergence of new environmental conditions to which there are no effective means of adaptation or protection in the human body, etc[2-4].

Global transformations of the ecological situation are aggravated by local changes, which are connected not so much with the geographical and climatic conditions of the region as with the prevailing industries of production. Thus, in the centers of metallurgy, the incidence of respiratory apparatus, allergies, and malignant diseases is much higher. In large industrial centers, where the air and water pollution exceeds the sanitary maximum permissible values ​​by 10 or more, the incidence of bronchial asthma, bronchitis and mental disorders is 2 to 2.5 times higher than in rural areas. As a result of industrial development of the North, up to 20 million hectares of reindeer pastures were destroyed. Changes in the way of life, living conditions, nutrition of the northern peoples led to the fact that the average life expectancy of their representatives is 42 to 45 years – 16-18 beds less than the non-indigenous population living here.

The increase in emissions from technological processes led to the appearance in the atmospheric air of up to 350 different carcinogens, among which every sixth has particularly pronounced pathogenic properties. It should be noted that in our country, with its untold natural resources of minerals, sources of raw materials and energy, the technological processes of their development and processing are extensive, extremely inefficient, fraught with low efficiency. Extraction of useful products and as a result – a large amount of waste.

The distinct effects of the changed habitat on human health have led to the emergence of a new science – eco log and. One of its most important areas is environmental education, which has the following tasks[3]:

  • The education of the awareness that man is a part of nature, and the mechanisms of his life activity are subject to its laws.
  • Training in respect for nature.
  • Mastering the methods and methods of behavior in the changed environmental situation.

Thus, there is no doubt the ever increasing role of changes in the environment of a person on his health. The way out can be found in the development of long-term state social and economic programs, in raising the culture and valeological literacy of the population, in educating a person’s sense of responsibility for their health and for the health of others, for the immediate and remote consequences of irrational use of natural resources for living and future generations.

  1. The impact of the environment on human health. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.prinas.org/article/2024 (дата обращения 22.04.2017).
  2. Factors affecting health. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://stanzdorovei.ru/zdorove/faktory-vliyayushchie-na-zdorove.html (дата обращения 22.04.2017).
  3. State of the environment. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.grandars.ru/college/medicina/faktory-zdorovya.html (дата обращения 22.04.2017).
  4. Our health and environment. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://ecology-of.ru/eko-razdel/nashe-zdorove-i-okruzhayushchaya-sreda (дата обращения 22.04.2017).

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