Курилов Кирилл Юрьевич
Тольяттинский государственный университет
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Финансы и кредит»

В статье приводится оценка результатов финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятий нефтехимической промышленности Самарской области, в том числе такого крупного предприятия нефтехимической промышленности как АО «КуйбышевАзот». Проведенная оценка позволяет сделать вывод о положительных темпах развития Самарской области и АО «КуйбышевАзот». Методические подходы к оценке результатов финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятий нефтехимической промышленности могут быть использованы для оценки деятельности других предприятий.

Ключевые слова: диверсификация, инвестиции, нефтехимическая промышленность, производственный потенциал предприятия, производство удобрений, Самарская область, химическая промышленность, частные инвестиции, энергоэффективность


Kurilov Kirill Yuryevich
Togliatti State University
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of «Finance and Credit»

The article provides an assessment of the financial and economic activity of enterprises of petrochemical industry of the Samara region, including such large petrochemical companies as JSC "KuibyshevAzot". The evaluation suggests a positive rate of development of the Samara region and JSC "KuibyshevAzot". Methodological approaches to assessing the results of financial and economic activity of the petrochemical industry can be used to evaluate the performance of other companies.


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Курилов К.Ю. Evaluation of financial and economic activity petrochemical poromyshennosti Samara region // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2016. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2016/12/74087 (дата обращения: 23.04.2024).

Samara region – one of the most industrially developed regions of Russia with a large economy, serious scientific and innovative potential.

The structure of the Samara region is quite diversified economy. The largest volumes of value added in the region are produced in the manufacturing sector (estimated, accounted for 24.8% of GRP in 2015), mining (15.4%), the field of real estate transactions (10.9%), trade (10.7%), transport and communications (8.5%), construction (6%), agriculture (5.3%).

The chemical industry is developing at a rate significantly higher than the overall dynamics of the group of manufacturing industries. In January – August 2015 increased the production of acyclic hydrocarbons (169.6%), fertilizers (113.9%), synthetic rubber (112.6%), plastics in primary forms (103.4%). Significant growth in the industry is provided by the implementation of major investment projects in the largest chemical companies, including with the participation of large petrochemical holdings.

Petrochemical industry Samara region is the basis of the region’s economy including oil production, oil refining, chemical industry and the plastics industry for the production. Just in these industries include industrial pipelines through which oil is transferred and processed products.

The largest petrochemical enterprises of Samara region should include “Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company”, JSC “PROMSINTEZ”, JSC “Himsintez” and Togliatti petrochemical enterprise – “KuibyshevAzot”, “TogliattiAzot” and “Togliattikauchuk”.


Figure 1. Structure of the Samara Region economy

The volume of sales of significant volumes in its investment projects in Samara Region from 2009 to 2018 amounted to ninety-three investment projects.

The investments by private parties in the framework of the implementation of investment projects of the petrochemical complex of the Samara region was the amount of more than nine billion rubles [1].

you need to select JSC “KuibyshevAzot” Among the petrochemical industry. This is not accidental.


Figure 2. Dynamics of indicators of chemical industry activity

JSC “KuibyshevAzot” one of the most successful enterprises of the petrochemical industry for a variety of operational and financial performance. In 2015 achieved a record production of nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and urea, the proceeds from sales exceeded the results of all previous years, the net profit of close to the maximum level of 2011.

Ensure the implementation of a large amount of work to be performed, conducted on an unprecedented scale in the history of the enterprise construction of new facilities. The implementation of many major projects came to the final stage. Put into operation the rectification of cyclohexanone. The next launch phase oxidation of cyclohexane, a unified comprehensive line of nitric acid, the 4th line of polyamide and other important objects [2, p.83].

Actively pursue work on the site of the future joint production of ammonia and air separation products with foreign partners – leaders in their respective fields Linde Group companies and Praxair.

These achievements have demanded a significant investment to upgrade the enterprise. The total investment amounted to 9.8 bln. Rubles.

Also during the year, work was carried out to further improve the management of a group “KuibyshevAzot” companies and improve the effectiveness of its member organizations. In the process of working to improve the efficiency created a new joint venture for the production of granular ammonium sulfate now Trammo AG (USA).

As part of the strategic program of the company to increase the recycling of caprolactam and polyamide in Russia, as well as import substitution, carried out the reconstruction of production facilities of subsidiaries for the production of technical and textile yarns, cord fabric in Kursk and textile fabrics – Balashov. Conducted development of new capacities JV for engineering plastics in China. These activities helped to ensure a stable load of the main production company in Togliatti in an increasingly competitive market.

Thus, JSC “KuibyshevAzot” in 2015 took another important step in its development. For the current year retained positive dynamics of development.

Consider the key performance indicators of JSC ” KuibyshevAzot “.

As seen in Figure 3, the share of JSC ” KuibyshevAzot ” in the production of caprolactam in Russia is more than 54%.

This figure indicates that “KuibyshevAzot» JSC holds leading indicators for the production of the component.

It should be noted that one of the directions of caprolactam are engineering plastics processing. For vertical integration within the group of “Kuibyshev” was organized by the production of engineering plastics joint venture Kuibyshevazot Engineering Plastics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd in China. The volume of output in 2015 amounted to 8.4 thousand tons [3, p.193].


Figure 3. The share of JSC “KuibyshevAzot” in the production of caprolactam in Russia, 2015 (%)

The proportion of the other component for the production of engineering plastics – nylon-6 in the total production volume in Russia is 99%, which means that the JSC “KuibyshevAzot” is a leading manufacturer of Polyamide-6 in the Russian Federation.


Figure 4. The share of JSC “KuibyshevAzot” in the production of polyamide 6 in the Russian Federation, 2015 (%)

Society takes place in the second top five companies in the Russian nitrogen industry. In the production of ammonia, the company ranked eighth – 4.2%, production of urea seventh place – 5.5%, production of ammonium nitrate in fifth place – 6.1%, for the production of ammonium sulphate first in the industry – 52.7%. In the production of nitrogen fertilizer company ranked sixth or a share of 5.2%.

Products “KuibyshevAzot” steady demand in Russia and abroad. 53% of total sales accounted for by exports. The main areas are Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the CIS [4, p.149].

The Russian market for the company is one of the priorities – producing 5.2% of the total Russian nitrogen fertilizer, the company has a stake in their domestic agricultural supply 12.4%.

The desire to maximize market opportunities, as well as quick and flexible response to changes in the environment allow to maintain its competitive advantage.

Products “KuibyshevAzot” steady demand in Russia and abroad. 53% of total sales accounted for by exports. The main areas are Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the CIS.

In order to improve product quality management system has been certified for compliance with the international standards ISO 9001: 2008; ISO 14001: 2004; OHSAS 18001: 2007.

To improve the efficiency of the work produced in a plant for the production of cyclohexanone. Civil works on the installation is almost complete, the installation of the main equipment and process piping is made of more than 90%. Part of the project has already been implemented – was put into operation a new installation of rectification in the production of caprolactam. It is possible to improve the quality and reduce the cyclohexanone mounted flow rules on a pair of 3%, electricity – by 1.5%, on the caustic sodium – by 2.6%.

At the end of 2015 production of main types of products was as follows:

- Ammonia – 640 thousand tons, or 111.3%, compared with the results of 2014 .;.

- On ammonium nitrate – 585.1 thousand tons (106.5%).

- Urea – 349.6 thousand tons (109.3%).

- By ammonium sulfate – 443 thousand tons (98.7%).

- Caprolactam – 176.3 thousand tons (97.4%).

- On polyamide-6 – 135.3 tons (95.6%).

- For technical yarns – 13.5 thousand tons (89.9%).

- For cord fabric – 4,6 thousand tons (76.3%).

- For cord fabric impregnated – 10 million running meters.

In order to improve efficiency, increase output and reduce the impact on the environment  JSC “KuibyshevAzot” implemented a number of technical measures.

So in the production of caprolactam completed construction works on the water cycle and installation of compression, conducted the installation of industrial pipelines and transformer substation. Commissioned 2 torsion ratti machine spinning and the exhaust shop at the industrial site in Schekino.

Reduced actual consumption ratios: gas into ammonia by 4%, in the production of caprolactam by hydrogen 1.4% by caustic sodium – 4%.

Due to the commissioning of modern refrigeration project achieved cooling performance setup juice condensate steam in the production of ammonium nitrate, which allows you to send about 400 thousand m3 per year for feeding waste water cycle.

Also put on the state examination project industrial wastewater treatment plants, storm water and industrial hub of the North Central area of the city of Togliatti.

Thus, JSC “KuibyshevAzot” is stably developing enterprise of petrochemical industry of the Samara region, and will successfully continue its financial and economic activities in the future [5, p.72].

 Авторы благодарны Российскому гуманитарному научному фонду за частичную финансовую поддерж­ку данной работы (Региональный конкурс «Волжские земли в истории и культуре России», грант № 16-12- 63003).

  1. Годовой отчет КуйбышевАзот за 2015 год // Официальный сайт AО «КуйбышевАзот. URL: http://www.kuazot.ru (дата обращения: 17.11.2016).
  2. Курилов К.Ю., Курилова А.А. Концепция возникновения экономических циклов // Вектор науки Тольяттинского государственного университета. Серия: Экономика и управление. 2013. № 1 (12). c. 83. с.
  3. Курилов К.Ю. Анализ деятельности предприятия с учетом влияния цикличности // Инновационное развитие экономики. 2013. № 6 (17). c. 193.
  4. Ajupov A.A., Artamonov A.B., Kurilov K.U., Kurilova A.A. Reconomic bases of formation and development of financial engineering in financial innovation // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2014. Т. 5. № 24. c. 149.
  5. Курилова А.А. Формирование эффективной структуры организации // Карельский научный журнал. 2014. №  3. c. 72.

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