Мелишева Екатерина Петровна
Самарский институт индустрии питания и бизнеса МГУТУ им. К.Г. Разумовского
доцент кафедры «Естественнонаучные и технические дисциплины»

В работе представлены результаты исследования проблемы формирования информационной компетентности специалиста в условиях модернизации образовательной среды. Системообразующим элементом модели личности специалиста автор считает информационную компетентность.


Melisheva Ekaterina Petrovna
Samara Institute of the food industry and the business Razumovsky
Associate Professor of Natural-science and technical disciplines

The paper presents the results of research problems of formation of expert’s information competence in modern conditions. It is noted that the information competence is a backbone element of model of expert’s personalit.

Keywords: bachelor degree, information competence, model of expert’s personality


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Мелишева Е.П. Problems of formation of expert’s information competence // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2014. № 4. Ч. 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2014/04/33567 (дата обращения: 21.04.2024).

Formation of the new model of the Russian government could not affect the transformation processes in the public consciousness, which in turn led to profound qualitative changes in the scientific sphere, including national educational science. Dynamically developing social and economic relations made for the formation of a complex of new requirements to the level and content of vocational education, modifying the criteria of social requirements to the graduated experts.

In today’s highly competitive business environment the need of the enterprises for the highly skilled employees adapted to the conditions dictated by the global informational processes has sharply increased in modern society. Transformations in the domestic market economy and increasing demand for new skills necessitated operational reform of profiles of vocational education in accordance with the social order and processes of virtualization in economy.

Creation of a common information market environment led to the emergence of the labor market specialists of “new formation”: marketing specialists, advertising expert, managers, etc.

Today marketing is a fundamental element of the formation of competitive advantages and capabilities of organizations. The importance of marketing in the management of modern economic processes and market demand for such specialists cause specificity of requirements for the professional level of marketers and actualizes the problem of professionally significant qualities of the marketing specialists. Increase in demand for specialists in marketing has raised a significant number of the educational institutions offering the possibility of marketing education. Despite considerable scales, according to experts the marketing training system hitherto not completely corresponds to problems of providing with marketing specialists of a labor market in the current economic situation.

The supply and demand ratio in the field of competency of the marketing specialist reveals contradictions between: structure and pithiness of professionally significant qualities of the marketer, caused by the requirements of a competitive business environment, and the level of training of students majoring in “Marketing” in secondary vocational education; dynamic informatization of economic processes and objectively existing problems in terms of the informational component of educational process of the marketing specialist.

Change of the educational paradigm has led to increasing interest in the pedagogical and psychological aspects of the formation of experts of socially important occupations. One of the key competencies of socially demanded professional marketer is informational competence, and its formation within the secondary professional education is possible by application of the pedagogical system of formation of this competence having a continuing nature. Works of N. I. Gendina, E.Yu. Bobkova, S. D. Karakozov, O.A.Kizik, N.Kh.Nasyrova, V.A.Fokeev and others are devoted to researches in the field of information competence [1]. A number of scholars consider information competence as a component of professional competence (B.S.Gershunsky, N.P.Luykova, N.Kh.Nasyrova, O.A.Kizik, T.A.Gudkova) [2].  Klushnikova and Bobkova consider information competence as one of the key competences having objective and subjective aspects [3]. The objective aspect is the requirements that society imposes on professional activities of the modern specialist.

The subjective aspect of information competence of the expert is a reflection of the objective aspect, which refracts through identity of the expert, his professional activity, features of motivation in improvement and development of the information competence.  Authors emphasize that information competence has internal logic of development which isn’t reduced to summation of its subsystems (elements) and logic of development of each subsystem separately, and to problems of development of information competence refer enrichment by knowledge and skills of computer science and information and communication technologies; development of communicative, mental abilities; implementation of interactive dialogue in a common information space [4]. Problems of development of information competence are reflected in a number of functions: cognitive, communicative, adaptive, normative, evaluative and informative. Formation and development of information competence of the personality are performed by information transfer, to be more exact, by ways and activity methods on its use. Information competence of the personality and information competence of society are mutually developing, enriching each other objects.

Consequently, the personal level of information competence depends on the level of information competence of society [5], which in turn is determined by the information competence of its constituent entities.

The analysis shows that today the concept of information competence is not uniquely determined.

Information competence is considered, on the one hand, as a component of professional competence, and on the other hand, as a component of personal information culture.

Knowledge of computer science as a subject, the use of the computer as the necessary technical means, the severity of active social position and motivation of subjects of educational space, body of knowledge and skills to identify, analyze and use information, are among the significant features.

Based on the studied approaches to information competence it is possible to form basic features for the informational competent expert [6].

Acting as the individual subject of professional activity, the expert represents the public information subject, the carrier of information knowledge that allows integrating axiological and cognitive aspects in the subject characteristic of the informational competent expert.

Cognitive aspect is considered as a set of information and subject professional knowledge. Determinacy of the expert with the workforce reveals his identity as a set of individual-psychological, behavioral and communicative qualities.

Information competence is a backbone element of model of expert’s personality that causes the application of general systems theory and systems analysis in the study of conditions of its formation. The application of pedagogical system is pointed by substantial part of modern educational paradigm with the realization of various forms of vocational training. The analysis of scientific researches on the development and functioning of pedagogical systems and current trends of global informatization of society determine the principle of professional orientation and the principle of informatization of educational process as the main principles of the forming of information competence of a marketer in the construction of pedagogical system. The principle of professional orientation determines theoretical training and interdisciplinary connections for creation in a complete education system and upbringing of the personality, training her to actively participate in professional activities according to personal interests and public requirements.

Realization of the second presented principle – the principle of informatization of educational process of marketing specialists as process of providing education by methodology and practice of development and optimal use of modern information and computer technologies focused on realization of the psychology and pedagogical training purposes, education, defines a complex of the information technologies, allowing to create information and professional competence of the marketer in higher education.

Information technologies in pedagogical system are, first of all, tools of process of mastering information, i.e. process of knowledge, the result of which is the acquisition of knowledge.

Informational processes in modern society cause structuring process of knowledge, aimed at the proportionality of the dynamics of knowledge to increase of information. Requirements of the social order and the state educational standards to a professional standard of the graduate of the specialty “Marketing” [7], include the skills of computer data processing, free use of computer networks, including the Internet, access to domestic and foreign sources of information, ability to process competently found information using computer programs, possession of statistical methods of processing of marketing information, ability to work with various types of text editors that emphasizes the relevance of pedagogical aims in improving the formation of information and professional competence of future marketers.

Adequate components for the formation of information competence of the marketing specialist are structuring process of the training, aimed at the development of requirement of independent processing of information in the personality, formation of finding, selecting, creative rethinking of the necessary information that will allow the student-marketer to effectively carry out his professional activities in the future

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