Муратова Наргиза Бахрамовна1, Мамадалиева Дилором Курбонали кизи1
1Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, Республика Узбекистан, Ташкент


Muratova Nargiza Bakhramovna1, Mamadalieva Dilorom Qurbonali qizi2
1Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Republic Uzbekistan, teacher of the department of theoretical disciplines, English language faculty
2Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Republic Uzbekistan, student of the English language faculty

A number of different mixed perceptual-based models have appeared since then. And the mixed model seems to be the most popular at the moment, because the learner constantly operates with both processes - learning and perception - with a variable prevalence of one or the other. In addition, it is now believed that the teacher cannot influence how, in what sequence and with what intensity these mechanisms are used by their students.

Keywords: culture, emotional-semantic method, intensive communication, linguosociocultural method, organic and holistic approach


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Муратова Н.Б., Мамадалиева Д.К.к. Foreign language teaching methods // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2020. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2020/02/91550 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

Over the entire history of mankind, a great many different educational methods have been developed. Initially, all methods of teaching foreign languages ​​were borrowed from programs designed to teach the so-called “dead languages” – Latin and Greek, in which almost the entire educational process was reduced to reading and translation.

The linguosociocultural method includes two aspects of communication – linguistic and intercultural. For a student of a language university, it is important not so much a high level of reading, writing, translation (although this is by no means excluded). The linguosociocultural method was born at the intersection of the concepts of language and culture. In the West, language is understood as a “communication system”, which consists of certain fragments and a set of rules used for the purpose of communication. A very important difference between Western linguistic thinking is the understanding of the language not only in connection with a certain state, but also with a certain part of the country, region, etc. With this approach, language goes hand in hand with the culture of a part of the country, region, that is, with the ideas and customs of a certain group of people, society. Sometimes culture is understood as society itself, civilization. The definition of supporters of the linguistic-sociocultural method does not exaggerate the strength and significance of language in the modern world. However, culture often acts not only as a means of unification, identification, but also as an instrument of separation of people.

The linguosociocultural method combines language structures (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) with extralinguistic factors. The linguosociocultural methodology is based on the following axiom: “Sociocultural structures are the basis of linguistic structures”. We learn the world through thinking in a certain cultural field and use the language to express our impressions, opinions, emotions, perceptions. The purpose of learning a language using this method is to facilitate understanding of the interlocutor, the formation of perception on an intuitive level. Therefore, each student who has chosen such an organic and holistic approach should treat the language as a mirror, which reflects geography, climate, history of the people, their living conditions, traditions, life, everyday behavior, creativity.

Intensive methods of teaching foreign languages.

A group of foreign language teaching methods, originating from the one developed in the 60s. Bulgarian scientist G.Lozanov includes the following methods [3, p. 16]: the method of activating the reserve capabilities of the student (G.A.Kitaygorodskaya), emotional-semantic method (I. Yu. Shekhter), suggestive-cybernetic integral method of accelerated education (V.V. Petrusinsky), immersion method (A.S.Plesnevich), course of speech behavior (A.A.Akishina), rhythmopedia (G.M. Burdenyuk), hypnopedia and others. The mentioned methods are mainly aimed at mastering oral foreign language speech in a short time and with a significant daily concentration of teaching hours.

Intensive learning methods rely on the psychological reserves of the student’s personality that are not used in ordinary education. Intensive teaching methods are characterized by the wide involvement of collective forms of work, the use of suggestive means of influence (authority, infantilization, two-dimensional behavior, intonation and rhythm, concert pseudo-passivity). Intensive teaching methods differ from traditional teaching: increased attention is paid to various forms of pedagogical communication, the socio-psychological climate in the group, the creation of adequate educational motivation, the removal of psychological barriers in the assimilation of language material and speech communication.

The official name of the G.A.Kitaigorodskaya method is “the method of activating the reserve capabilities of the individual and the collective” [2, p. 25]. They are engaged in it only in a group, and it is possible in a large one. The specificity of the method under consideration is the use of those opportunities that are opened when the study group is considered as a temporary collective of students engaged in joint activities. The task of the authors of the method and teachers is to offer the teaching staff such modern teaching activity that would be personally significant for each student, people and contribute to the active formation of personality through a system of mutual interpersonal relationships.

The method is based on the following principles [1, p. 99]:

The principle of collective interaction. This principle connects the goals of training and education, characterizes the means, methods and conditions of a single educational process. Group training contributes to the emergence of additional social and psychological incentives for the individual to learn, maintains a psychological atmosphere in the study team in which the students are given the opportunity to meet the very important social and psychological needs of people: recognition, respect, attention from others. All this additionally stimulates the cognitive activity of students. In conditions of collective joint activity, a common fund of information on the subject being studied is formed, in which each student brings his own contribution, and they all use it together. Thus, the main “means” of mastering the subject becomes communication with partners in the group.

The principle of personality-oriented communication. Language proficiency is, first of all, the ability to participate in real communication. The system of concepts in which communication can be described includes the concept of “role”. Communication turns into a creative, personally motivated process. In this case, the student does not imitate the activity, but “owns” the motive of the activity, that is, performs motivated speech acts. Personal-speech communication is the basis for building the educational process in intensive teaching of foreign languages. In accordance with the idea, the main educational text for students is the polylogue, and the students themselves are participants in the actions described in it.

This principle characterizes not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative specifics of intensive communication. This specificity is manifested in various aspects: the concentration of educational situations, classes, and the concentration of educational material associated with its volume and distribution in the training course. A large amount of training material, especially at the initial stage of training, makes it possible already in the first lesson to organize situations as close as possible to real communication. This creates a high motivation for learning, as if bringing the learning outcome to its beginning. Concentration in the organization of educational material entails the specific organization of the educational process, which is manifested, in particular, in a high “communication density”, a variety of types and forms of work, etc. In the face of a large amount of educational material, the following are effective: a) plot construction of the course and individual microcycles; b) the plot organization of classes and their fragments; c) the construction of educational texts as a model of speech behavior in certain situations, etc.

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  2. Китайгородская Г.А. Интенсивное обучение иностранным языкам: теория и практика.— М.: Рус.яз., 1992.— 254с.
  3. Лозанов Г.К. Суггестопедия при обучении иностранным языкам // Методы интенсивного обучения иностранным языкам: Сб. научн. тр. / Отв. ред. СИ. Мельник. — М.: изд-во МГПИИЯ пм. М Тореза, 1973 а—Вып. 1.1. С. 9-17.

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