N.N. Semenov Inst. Chem. Phys. RAS, Moscow (1964-1987),
The creative cooperation with B.P. Konstantinov Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys. RAS, Gatchina (1984-1987),
A.F. Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst. RAS, St. Petersburg (2005-2007)
E-mail: bormikhlev@yandex.ru
By the cycle of publications [1] identifies experimental grounds [2-8] and the phenomenology of the expansion of the Standard Model of Physics/SM, which has been in stagnation since the mid-1970s, – The Project of a New (Additional) -Physics “Outside” the Light Cone.
A conceptual breakthrough to substantiate of the supersymmetry, confinement, dark matter/dark energy became possible in the Project due to a favorable set of circumstances. The history of this – “… case – the God of all inventions” – is presented in [122017].
For the world community of theoretical physicists, were determining the status of the SM, the experimental epic [2-7] and the critical experiment [8], leading to new knowledge, went unnoticed.
The program of a decisive experiment can change that state.
The main thing in the phenomenology under consideration [1] is the paradoxical realization of the Mцssbauer effect in the final state -decay 22Na (“resonance conditions”). This occurs in process formation and annihilation of the positronium (
-Ps) in gaseous neon of the natural isotopic composition (~ 9% 22Ne). The presence in the dynamics of orthopositronium (
-o-Ps) of a solitary virtual photon opens (with reliance on precedent in theory [9]) a fundamentally new ‘
-Physics’ due to complete degeneration of ortho-parasuperpositronium and possibility of
-o-Ps oscillations in “Trough the Looking Glass” (
-decay 22Na as a topological quantum transition/TQT)
In this case, the canonical three-photon mode of QED-o-Ps annihilation (; antidiscrete trivial topology) is realized in “resonance conditions” as the
-mode “inside” (discrete implementation of the trivial topology in TQT;
is the notoph [10] and
-mode “outside” of the Light Cone associated with it, where
from point of view of the physical observer/PhO appears as parapositronium/
excludes, from the standpoint of the standard electroweak interaction, any noticeable effect of changes in the isotopic composition of neon on the output of the long-lived orthopositronium (o-Ps) component I2 of the lifetime spectra (isotopic effect 10–7-10–6).
The experiment showed that I2 doubled () at a decrease in the fraction of the 22Ne isotope in gaseous neon from 8,86% (“resonance conditions”) to 4,91% [8].
The only way to justify this result is to postulate the formation in natural neon in final state of -decay 22Na of a macroscopic, space-like, two-valued (
) vacuum state, which implements the “resonance conditions” due to the solid-state nature of the Hamiltonian graph on the
nodes of
(atom of long-range action/ALRA with a structured core of ALRA
nodes) and the collectivization of the nuclear excitation
by the condensate
from the neon gas phase (~ 9% 22Ne) on the core ALRA [11]
Because of literary research, it was possible to reconcile all traditional experimental and logical installations under the assumption that -o-Ps plays the role of the PhO(modeling of the PhO reflection) [1]. The apostasy of the Michigan experimental group (Ann Arbor, USA)/2003 and its overcoming were considered in [12].
Will be accepted the Project of the New (Additional) -Physics “Outside” the Light Cone, as an extension of the SM? Since the results of the fundamental experiments [2-7] and [8] were not given proper attention, the question is turned out to the Program of the Decisive Experiment.
Comparative observation of the lifetime spectra of positron annihilation from 22Na -decay by the method of delayed
-coincidences in gaseous neon of the natural isotopic composition high purity near normal temperature (~ 300 K) and of the gas temperature control in the range
.It is supposed to observe the temperature resonance: a high intensity of the orthopositronium component of the lifetime spectra (I2) on the “tails” of the temperature range. With increasing distance from the pick of the temperature resonance, an increase in I2 is assumed (up to 2 times) and, accordingly (after subtracting the contribution of the orthopositronium component), more clear visualization of the “shoulder” (annihilation of quasi-free positrons), i.e. normalization according to this criterion of the position of neon in a series of noble gases in the experiments of 1965-1975 (USA, Russia, England, Canada), in which the temperature of laboratories and samples was not recorded.2. Comparative observation of the lifetime spectra of positron annihilation from 22Na
-decay by the method of delayed
-coincidences in gaseous neon of the natural isotopic composition high purity at a temperature close to the “peak” (see item 1) in electric field of intensity ~ 4 kV/cm, oriented parallel and perpendicular to the gravity. It is necessary to keep the geometrical parameters of measuring chamber and the neon pressure close to the measurement conditions in the critical experiment [8]. The schema of this implementation of the decisive experiment is shown in Fig.1.
According to QED positronium, is the bound state of an electron and a positron, is a purely lepton state, free from any noticeable hadron effects and weak interaction effects, and its annihilation is calculated with high accuracy in QED. However, the QED standard may not be sufficient to describe the lifetime of the, since positrons forming positronium in substance are obtained from
-decay of 22Na, 68Ga, 64Cu.
Work [8] confirmed the connection of the annihilation of -o-Ps with hadronic processes.
In this connection, the data on the lifetime spectra of positron annihilation in liquid and solid deuterium (D2) [13] and their comparison with similar data for protium (H2) [14] are interesting. In work [13] measured the short-lived components of the lifetime spectra – ns (liquid D2, 20,4 К) and
ns (solid D2, 13 К), but there is no data on the long-lived component (
-o-Ps); in H2
ns (20,4 К),
ns (13 К) and, unlike D2, data on
-o-Ps are given (
ns at 20,4 К and
ns at 13 К).

Fig.1. Scheme of the decisive experiment: is there a connection between the gravity and electricity?
I2 is the intensity of the orthopositronium component of the positron (22Na) annihilation lifetime spectra for neon of natural isotopic composition (~ 9%22Na – “resonance conditions”) in a direct electric field of ~ 4 kV/cm, perpendicular to gravity.
2I2 is the same in a direct electric field of ~ 4 kV/cm, parallel to gravity.
It is clear that in condensed deuterium -o-Ps is formed in the same way as in condensed protium. The question remains: is the long-lived component
-o-Ps missing in the lifetime spectra of annihilation in condensed deuterium? The only work [13] does not give a definite answer to this question.
Nevertheless, it can be taken as a working hypothesis that the marked difference in the lifetime spectra of -positron annihilation in the H2 and D2 condensed states is an experimental fact, since there was no precedent in the vast array of experimental information for the incomplete description of the lifetime spectra. Then, the absence of a long-lived component (
-o-Ps) in liquid and solid deuterium can be explained by quenching orthopositronium by uncompensated for electric charge and spin by radiolysis products in the blast-hole from a composite ion
with an initial energy of 23.85 MeV because of cold nuclear fusion on the ALRA core.
Hence the proposed scheme of the decisive experiment –
3. Comparative measurements of electrical breakdown thresholds in deuterium (D2) and protium (H2) of high density depending on the orientation of the constant electric field in the vicinity (~ 1 cm) of the positron source with respect to gravity ().Finally, a particularly important realization of a decisive experiment by the scientific community of the erroneousness of the apostasy of the Michigan group (2003), since under the leadership of Professor A.Rich (1939-1990) are created the only installations in the world for a precise absolute measurements of the lifetime
-o-Ps and
To make control measurements on the modified installation of the Michigan group (2003) by directing the auxiliary electric field not parallel (), but perpendicular (—) to gravity.
For direct confirmation of the connection of electroweak and strong interactions with gravity (phenomenology of the Theory of Everything), one should compare the lifetime spectra of annihilation of positrons (22Na) in gaseous neon of natural composition obtained in the laboratory on the surface of the Earth and on the orbit of an artificial Earth satellite (in zero gravity) at the fixed normal temperature.
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