Гудкова Светлана Анатольевна1, Михеева Ксения Сергеевна2
1Тольяттинский государственный университет, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Теория и практика перевода»
2Тольяттинский государственный университет, студентка бакалаврской программы «Управление качеством»

В данной статье рассмотрена потеря «Перемещение». Данная потеря присутствует на любом предприятии. Лишние движения оператора не создают ценности, поэтому очень важно понимать, чем вызвана данная потеря, как ее выявить, как ее наглядно рассчитать и как ее устранить. Зная эти основные моменты, легко можно снизить лишнюю ненужную суету на рабочем месте, повысив эффективность своего производства.

Ключевые слова: бережливое производство, визуализация и стандартизация, Кайдзен, лишнее перемещение, Муда, потери на рабочем месте, Тайити Оно


Gudkova Svetlana Anatolievna1, Mikheeva Kseniya Sergeevna2
1Togliatti State University, PhD, Associate Professor of the department «The Theory and Practice of Translation»
2Togliatti State University, student of the bachelor program "Management of quality"

Loss of "Moving" is considered in this article. This loss exists in any enterprise. Unnecessary movement of the operator does not create value, so it is very important to understand what caused this loss, identify it clearly and to calculate how to remove it.
Knowing these highlights, you can easily reduce unnecessary fuss in the workplace, increasing the efficiency of its production.

Keywords: 5S, Kaizen philosophy, lean production, loss in the workplace, manufacturing, Taiichi Ohno, too much movement, visualization and standardization


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Гудкова С.А., Михеева К.С. Development of measures to reduce the losses at the workplaces // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2017. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2017/02/78895 (дата обращения: 24.04.2024).

In terms of sanctions and the forced isolation of the Russian economy, as well as the devaluation of Russian currency domestic enterprises face a difficult economic situation. In such circumstances, all domestic enterprises are interested in the optimization of the manufacturing process and reducing the cost of obtaining a product of appropriate quality. It depends on the quality of the finished product as well as its cost, which is important for the buyer.

Questions about the improvement of production processes, resource saving, cost reduction and increase in productivity are the most relevant in the industrial sector. Lean production and manufacturing are the most well-known means continually striving to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of production processes. It also eliminates all kinds of losses in the system. The philosophy of lean manufacturing is based on the idea of ​​business as a value stream for the consumer, flexibility, detection and loss reduction, continuous improvement of all activities at all levels of the organization, the involvement and development of staff in order to increase the satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders. [1]

The purpose of this article is to propose measures to reduce the loss of “Move” on the operator’s workplace.

The tasks which we are going to achieve are the following:

1. To study the theoretical material.

2. To identify the kinds of losses associated with moving process.

3. To determine causes of losses.

4. To develop measures to reduce losses.

5. To offer tools to reduce unnecessary movements at the working work places.

The concept of losses was brought by Taiichi Ohno (1912-1990), who was the Executive Director of Toyota and who set seven types of “muda”. “Muda” – is one of Japanese words, that means the loss, waste, or any activity that consumes resources but creates no value. This is an error that should be corrected. This implementation of the action, without which it is possible to do.

Among 7 losses there is one loss, which can be separated from the fact that it is easy to detect and eliminate, and adopted methods will give a very good result.

Loss of “Moving” is related to the movement of workers during the work shift. It causes to the reducing productivity, increasing fatigue and increasing personnel injuries. To reveal this hidden loss of movement of workers timekeeping – Spaghetti diagram is used. Its example is represented on the picture 1. But it is also important to understand the personal role of the worker in the optimization of his working day and his activities. We consider that elimination unnecessary movements necessary improves skills in the production process, and efficiently organize and increase competition of the worker. Personal involvement of the staff can be enhanced through the implementation of the Kaizen movement, philosophy at the enterprises. Kaizen philosophy is
continuous improvement of it, starting with production and ending with the top management, from the director to the average worker. The objective of Kaizen is production without loss. The organization of work at the workplace is necessary to eliminate unnecessary movements and movements of workers eliminate disorganization of the production process. They can be quickly reduced to the minimum by moving the corresponding production equipment and operators in the cell structure. [2, 3]

Picture1 – Example of Spaghetti diagrams

The figure “before” presented a disorderly route on the operator workplace and irrationally arranged equipment. The figure “after” shows the result of the measures taken to address the loss of movement – correct placement of equipment and reducing unnecessary movements. [3,4]

We agree some scientist who suggest the following measures to reduce this loss:

1. Identify the causes, consequences, to calculate and develop corrective actions for the loss of “Move”.

2. Develop a matrix to eliminate the loss of “Move” with the proposed instruments.[5,6]

The most detailed loss of “Moving” is described in Table 1.

Table 1 – loss of “Moving”

A loss Causes Effects How to calculate the loss? How to fix?
  • irrational arrangement of working space;
  • irrational location of the equipment and containers;
  • mismatch of operations;
  • lack of standardized processes, bathrooms
  • decreased productivity;
  • fatigue of personnel;
  • an increase of injuries and occupational diseases.
  • the timing of the working movements;
  • Spaghetti diagram
  • optimization of the production process;
  • training of staff;
  • optimization of the equipment distribution;
  • efficiently organized jobs

The main causes of the losses associated with the movement are inappropriate workplace organization, poor layout of equipment, operations mismatch. All this leads to a decrease in productivity.

Table 2 presents a matrix of eliminating the causes of the loss of “Move”. [3]

Table 2 – Matrix elimination of the causes of the loss of “Moving”

Loss of “Moving” was reviewed in this article. This loss exists in any enterprise, but unnecessary operator movements do not create value, so it is very important to understand what caused this loss, identify it clearly and to calculate how to remove it.

Knowing these highlights, you can easily reduce unnecessary fuss in the workplace, increasing the efficiency of its production.

  1. Masaaki Imai. Kaizen. Key to the success of Japanese companies / Masaaki Imai. Special ed .: Alpina Publisher, 2011. – 274 p.
  2. Daniel Jones. Lean Manufacturing: How to get rid of waste and ensure the success of your company / Daniel Jones, James Womack. 10th ed .: Alpina Publisher, 2016. – 472 p.
  3. Tools ISO 16949: APQP, PPAP, FMEA, MSA, SPC [Electronic resource] // URL: http://www.wikiquality.ru/instrumenty-iso-16949-apqp-ppap-fmea-spc-msa/.
  4. Causes and Consequences of 7 kinds of losses in the production. The practice of [the Electronic resource] // URL: http://www.leaninfo.ru/2012/11/02/prichinyi-i-posledstviya-7-vidov-poter/.
  5. Akhmadzhanow S, Sherstobitova A, Gudkova S The ways to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Teoriya I practika sovremennoy nauki 2016 N 4(10) P 76.
  6. Glukhova L. V. Methodology for the development of business processes and business planning in industries // Herald PVGUS, number 2010. 13, pp 14-21.

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