Вассель Сергей Сергеевич
Филиал Московского государственного университета технологии и управления имени К.Г. Разумовского в г. Ростове-на-Дону
кандидат биологических наук

Для увеличения эффективности мини ГЭС предложено использовать активные элементы, например, гребные винты. Конечно, их работа требует затрат энергии, но общий выход энергии будет выше, чем при использовании только пассивных элементов в турбинах аналогичных габаритов. Показано, что активно отталкиваясь от потока воды, можно получить больше энергии, чем при пассивном использовании этого ресурса.

Ключевые слова: мини ГЭС


Vassel Sergei Sergeevich
Rostov branch of Moscow State University of Technology and Management named KG Razumovsky
PhD (kandidat) in Biology

Water turbine with active elements, such as propellers, are wore effective than traditional one. The device can be used for mini hydro power plants without dam. To increase the efficiency of water turbine it is possible to use active elements, such as propellers. Their work will require the electric energy, but the total energy output will increase. It is shown that actively pushing off from moving water, we could obtain more energy, then using this resource passively.

Keywords: mini HYDRO POWER PLANT

Рубрика: 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Вассель С.С. A concept of new type of mini hydro power plant // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2014. № 10. Ч. 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2014/10/38883 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024).

The main idea of suggested device is presented in Fig.1

Fig.1 An illustration of the main idea for new type of  mini hydro power plants

For example, we have a stream of water, and the speed of this stream is V. The ship is floating downstream.

On water it is stationary. Relative to the shore, he moves with the velocity V.

Relative the water its kinetic energy is equal to 0, relative to the shore


(m is the mass of the ship)

The ship turned on the engine and obtain speed over the water V1.

The increment of the kinetic energy of the ship relative  the water is

Delta E=frac{mV_{_{1}}^{2}}{2}

and it equals to the work of propellers in ideal case.

A=Delta E

Relative to the earth, ship is moving with the speed V+V1, and has a kinetic energy




How the extra energy E=mV V1 was obtained?

This energy was obtained by decreasing the energy of the current!

To move forward, the ship drops of water ago kinetic energy.

Mass of discarded water= M, the of water velocity=V3.

Momentum gained the ship (p1), equal to the momentum of thrown water (p2)




The loss of kinetic energy of the flow


If M>>m, the size of V_{3}^{2} can be neglected, so

The loss of kinetic energy of the  current


and it  equals our additionary energy.

Thus, actively pushing off from moving water, we could obtain more energy, then using this resource passively!

Fig.2  An example of turbine with active elements- water wheel with  propellers.

Construction of power plants without dams will not only provide cheap electricity, but also improve the environmental situation in general.

For example, it is shown that the construction of dams on the Don and Kuban was the main reason for the decline of sturgeon populations in the Azov Sea[1].

  1. Вассель С.С. Липидный состав как показатель качества качества икры при искусственном воспроизводстве осетровых рыб. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук/Москва, 2006

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