Богатырко Арина Олеговна1, Москвина Юлия Александровна1
1Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения, преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки и межкультурные коммуникации»

Статья посвящена такой актуальной на сегодняшний день теме, как использование фильмов при формировании умений аудирования на занятиях английского языка, данная тема мало изучена и требует дальнейших исследований. В статье раскрывается необходимость использования фильмов на занятиях английского языка. Основное внимание обращается на необходимость формирования и развития умений аудирования. Проведенное исследование позволяет утверждать, что данный образовательный метод будет способствовать повышению как общего уровня знаний учащихся, так и сформированности умений аудирования в рамках определенной темы.

Ключевые слова: аудиовизуальные средства, аудирование, фильм-DVD, этапы работы с фильмом


Bogatyrko Arina Olegovna1, Moskvina Yuliya Aleksandrovna1
1Ural State University of Railway Transport, lecturer, Department "Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication"

The article is devoted to one of the most actual problems, the problem of using films for listening skills formation at English lessons. This problem is insufficiently explored and required further researches. The necessity of using films at English lessons has been studied in this article. The main attention is focused on importance of listening skills development.

Keywords: audiovisual means, DVD-films, listening, stages of work with film


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Богатырко А.О., Москвина Ю.А. Using films for listening skills formation at English lessons // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2014. № 4. Ч. 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2014/04/33776 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

The modern stage of development of teaching foreign language methodology is characterized by formation of different tendencies, where using audiovisual means, play the most important role in the teaching foreign languages.

Audiovisual means of teaching can serve as the mean of general didactic principles of realization. For example, activity, consciousness, succession and obviousness. These audiovisual means are closely connected with graphic obviousness; they are used as a mean of its realization.

One of the most effective ways of teaching foreign language with using graphic obviousness is training DVD-film, which allows students to give students a visual presentation about English-speaking countries’ life, traditions, language patterns and vary the process of studying foreign language.

Listening is a receptive kind of verbal activity, semantic perception of oral message. Listening consists of language unit perception and understanding the statement. On teaching foreign language the final goal is getting listening comprehension skills. On listening word and issue understanding should be differed. Word understanding is based on students’ speaking experience, and issue understanding is based on their life experience and communication [1, с. 24].

Characterizing perception (both aural and visual) two terms should be strictly distinguished:

  • perception is a process of determining and learning informative and different processes (i.e. image formation);
  • recognizing is an identification of formed image after comparing with a standard.

    In the world of modern technologies video was changed by DVD (Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc). DVD format raised to fame and became wide-spread thanks to its technological characteristics [2, с. 69].

    The work process with DVD-films has its specific features. Using DVD-films has a lot of advantages:

  1. The realization of the most important requirement for communicative methodic – learning language process is shown as studying foreign reality [3, с. 81].
  2. Individual approach.
  3. The development of students’ motivation [4, с. 2].
  4. Emotional impact on students [5, с. 28].
  5. Attention and memory improving
  6. Memorizing durability of cross-cultural and linguistic material through using various information channels [6, c. 111].

The next functions of DVD-films are given in the learning process.

• informative and learning;

• illustrative and visual;

• controlling;

• educational;

• integrating [7, с. 18].

Taking into consideration the feature film length, which is about 1,5 hour, huge language material, the understanding difficulties, so using the whole feature film for teaching is not very effective. The useful work is connected with listening parts containing dialogues and polylogues [8, c. 18]. That’s why using DVD-films in teaching listening skills has a lot of benefits.

We are especially interested in Russian teachers’ materials, devoted to the describing their experience of applying films in teaching English.

In the end of XXth century films are actively used by Russian pedagogues in teaching English.This fact is proved in many works, devoted to using this audiovisual mean at English les sons (M.I. Myatov, Y.I. Verisokin, L.Y. Shatashvili, I.B. Smirnov, M. Novikov, N.P. Vinaykina, L.D. Ragozin, O.S. Vorobyov and others).

For successful development of training methods based on viewing DVD-film the above teachers’ works is necessary to analyze. Despite the fact that these works are mainly devoted to describing principles of work with video. We are interested in this film for this research because the DVD-film is a modern version of an audiovisual mean in teaching.

Basing on the analysis Russian teachers articles, we will conclude that we can use DVD-film at all stages of teaching in different types of speech activity (listening, speaking).

Three main stages are given when we work with DVD-movies:

  • pre-viewing;
  • while viewing;
  • after-viewing [9, с. 135-139].

In order to test the effectiveness of the offered teaching methods based of viewing DVD-film the experimental work was organized.

Hypothesis is that: if DVD-film will be actively used in the process of teaching a foreign language, the process of developing auditive skills will be more effective.

Experimental work was carried out at the Ural State University of Railway Transport. The researchers have found that the survey should have been taken by 23 second-year students, who represented Economics Faculty.

6% of students who took part in the research were 18 years old, 74 % of students are 19 years old and 18% of students are represented by 20 years old.

More than a half of the students at economical specialties is female students (58 %) and 42 % of students are male. They have been studying English since 10 years old.

In each group there was a roughly equal number of “elementary”, “pre-intermediate” and “intermediate” students.

When researching there was only one “experimental group” in which learning was conducted by the offered method, and “control group”, where training was conducted under the educational program. Effectiveness of this program was determined by analyzing the level of listening skills development at the end of training in the control and experimental groups.

There were following measures of estimation:

  • The ability to allocate the basic information of speech (global awareness);
  • The ability to allocate the necessary information (selective acknowledgment);
  • The ability to perceive the message without gaps (detailed understanding).

Experimental work was followed by preparative work, where:

  • Necessary didactic materials were chosen;
  • The stages of experimental work were determined.

We should mention experimental work to have been highly associated with educational program in English language within the framework of «Gender roles» [10].

Experimental work was performed at three stages.

1) At the first stage we organized the tentative control, which determined the starting level of students’ listening skills (the results are shown in figure 1-2).

Fig. 1. The amount of elementary and pre-intermediate students in experimental group.

Fig. 2. The amount of elementary and pre-intermediate students in control group.

2) The experimental work was organized at the second stage.

3) At the third stage we performed the final test, which showed the results of training.

Each test was followed according to the next pattern: students had to consequently view films and do some exercises. Students’ answers were stated and analyzed. 23 works were analyzed after the lesson.

When estimating students’ works we took into consideration the development level of their listening skills:

• The ability to separate the important content from the unimportant one;

• The ability to get theme of the message;

• The ability to divide the text into meaningful parts;

• The ability to establish logical connections;

• The ability to highlight the main idea;

• The ability to perceive the message at a certain pace, a certain duration till the end, without any failure.

Received data were analyzed and reduced.

At the first stage we organized the tentative control. For the tentative control we accidently chose the text for listening, which corresponded with students’ English level. Students listened to the text twice and do some written exercises. For each correctly done task student got a certain amount of points. The results of this diagnosis are shown in figure 3-4.

Fig.3. The results of listening test in experimental group.

According to figure 2, we see level of students’ listening skills in experimental group. 38% (5 people) of students understood the text fully. 31% (4 people) of students had some difficulties when listening to the text. 31% (4 people) didn’t understand the text at all.

Fig.4. The results of listening test in control group.

According to figure 3, we see level of students’ listening skills in control group. 50% (5 people) of students understood the text fully. 30% (3 people) of students had some difficulties when listening to the text. 20% (2 people) didn’t understand the text at all.

The diagram data show average figures in both groups to be different. Anyway these data prove both groups to have equal level of listening skills.

After analyzing tentative control results we directly started conducting research, which provided teaching listening skills, basing on the topic “Gender roles”.

The final stage of an experimental training was summarizing results: conducting the control test, comparative analysis of both test results and their interpretation.

For final test the text for listening was choosen. This text was related to the watched video «Gender Roles» [11].

Students listened to the audio twice and complited some written exercises.

The results showed the level of students’ full understanding skills to be equal to mark «excellent» in 6 causes of 12 ones, 4 «good» and 2 «bad» of 12. The students of control group had 7 «excellent» and 3 «good» marks. The results of this diagnosis are shown in figure 5 – 7.

Fig.5. The results of students’ full understanding skills.

The level of selective understanding in experimental group is equal to «excellent» in 9 causes of 12 and 4 «good» of 12, only one student showed unsaticfied result. The students of control group still had better results. This result can be explained by their starting level of English. So 7 students had mark excellent, three students had mark «good».

Fig. 6. The results of students’ selective understanding skills.

The level of detailed understanding skills is also different in both groups. So in experimental group ten students understood the text without any problems, so they’ ve got mark «excellent», 1 of them understood the text properly, but he did some slight mistakes, so he’s got mark «good», but 1 student failed this task at all. The students of control group showed good result – 8 of them understood the audio correctly, but 2 of them did some mistakes ( their marks are «good» and «satisfactory»).

Fig.7. The results of students’ detailed understanding skills.

The final test showed the positive dynamic of students’ listening skills progress. Analyzing the diagram data, the improvement of results in both groups should be noticed. But in control group, where training was organized according to common program, the improvement isn’t so extremely outstanding. Comparing two groups, we can notice the increase of listening skills in experimental group (the results are shown in figure 8 ).

Fig. 8. The comparison of best results at any stage in both groups.

While experimental training students improved their listening skills; they learnt how to define the topic of report, separate the main ideas from the secondary ones, divide the pronounced text into semantic parts, set logical connections between parts of pronounced text, acquire information in certain speed, certain length till the end and without any gaps, use the supports on video correctly.

Besides developing personal skills the development of students’ cognitive skills takes place during experimental training. Mentioned cognitive skills include optional attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Having compared the experimental group data with the control group data, we can conclude that we can get high results in developing students’ listening skills, if we carry out aimed and specially organized work.

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