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// Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2012. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Professional and moral formation of the personality of the teacher is carried out in the socialization of the individual and in the process of training. Later in the professional life professional and moral development is largely dependent on the teacher, from his desire for self-development, personal realization of the value and meaning of those terms in secondary schools, which carried out this activity.

Please note the following results of the study (data are rounded to whole units). Evaluating the existing social problems in society, the most critical from the standpoint of teachers is a problem of social and legal protection of rights in society. This is noted by 52% of the teachers surveyed, reduced confidence in the future – 54%.

Teachers pay attention to such trends in society as a reduction in the importance of public life for a person (71%) and the increasing importance of private life (88%). A man must take care of yourself, himself responsible for his life, his achievements and successes. However, the methods of self-realization may be, as you know, different. It can be as civilized way of cooperation and a positive, constructive interaction with others in solving urgent and global issues, and the path of alienation associated with the ideology of the struggle for existence and survival.

Teachers pay attention to such trends in society as a reduction in the importance of public life for a person (71%) and the increasing importance of private life (88%). A man must take care of yourself, himself responsible for his life, his achievements and successes. However, the methods of self-realization may be, as you know, different. It can be as civilized way of cooperation and a positive, constructive interaction with others in solving urgent and global issues, and the path of alienation associated with the ideology of the struggle for existence and survival.

Unfortunately, this second way, as before, sees teachers as the dominant trends in contemporary socio-economic situation in the country. For example, 52% of teachers surveyed declining support and mutual assistance between people, 54% say people are increasingly feeling lonely in this world. Every other teacher (45%) believe what is happening stratification of society by income – a negative trend that more and more acute. And this, despite the fact that the socio-economic process – the reality is not the first year. Nearly all teachers surveyed believe (88%) that the enrichment of most people is a dishonest way.

Does not undergo significant changes and a tendency for teachers, fixing the reduction of the material situation of most families of students (63%) were closely associated this trend with a decrease in attention of parents to their children (62%). In this context, 79% of the teachers pay attention to growth concerns in the community of people just material values at the expense of spiritual orientation. Under these conditions, the possibility of self-human life is valued relatively low (46% believe that doing so is extremely difficult).

Can the school day is something to resist, negative trends occurring in society? More than half of teachers surveyed – 53% believe that today the society has set a school other task than it was before. Rightly seeks to: Not only send students to a certain amount of knowledge but also build social skills, promote the implementation of this knowledge in real life as the ability of the individual student’s self-determination and a positive self-fulfillment in the new socio-economic conditions. And most teachers believe that the school is successfully addressing this challenge (73%).

However, 64% of teachers say that school is not able to effectively counteract the negative tendencies in society. In this regard, teachers generally negative assessments of the influence of media, publishing, film. Since 83% of teachers surveyed believe that the media is largely a harmful effect on the moral development of students.

Such social well-being of modern teachers is largely determined by the state of their basic social and pedagogical conditions.

According to the study of the total number of teachers in the school only every other teacher is really creative and with maximum impact exercise their educational functions. Others sell their work within the traditional standards and requirements relate to the educational work as the forced necessity. Of particular concern is the dehumanization of the educational relationship, inability, and sometimes – and the reluctance of teachers to adjust their behavior to comply with tact in communicating with children and parents, understand their problems, show compassion and mercy. Such teachers are often pronounced functional illiteracy, and in understanding the essence of the pedagogical culture.

Socio-educational conditions in a pragmatic and broad social and cultural context are meaningful strategic and functional basis for creating sustainable value-base and innovation and significant resources professional and moral development of teachers as socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Their role and the functional content of pre-determined by their orientation to:

- Social support of teachers and improving their socio-professional status and, accordingly, – social well-being;

- Integration harmonization of existing and newly acquired knowledge and experiences, fostering creative teaching community, Support and development of teacher professional achievements;

- To change the interpretation of educators and educational practices of their own activities (comprehension in a broad socio-cultural and professional and moral context).

Requirements placed on teachers are as a person of humane, free-oriented attitude to the child as a subject of the pedagogical process. Hence, priority should be to recognize the problem does not transfer skills, but above all, education of spiritual values, creative teachers’ attitude toward the world, skills, interaction with students on humanistic principles as the basis of his moral culture. It is a condition of continuing professional and moral self-development and teacher is reflected at the level of breeding of his pupils, so how to implement tasks of moral education of youth can only be morally educated teacher. Such a task should be allocated as a priority in the system of professional teachers in educational institutions.

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