Articles by keyword «удовлетворенность трудом»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Социально-психологические факторы эффективного труда работников

№ 12 December 2016 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Удовлетворенность браком и профессиональной самореализацией у современных мужчин и женщин

№ 5 May 2017 | Category: 19.00.00 Psychology

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Психологические условия удовлетворенности трудом персонала

June, 2012

Filippova S.D. Analysis of the implementation of the function of motivation on the example of the company in entertainment industry

March, 2014

Turabaeva F.M., Baksheev S.L. Satisfaction with work - as a factor of stability of personnel

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Mukhametlatypov F.U., Gindullina G.I. Job satisfaction and its impact on employee turnover

May, 2014

Shipitko O.Y., Chesnokova A.V. To the question to young leaders professional self-realization

April, 2015

Yarovaya M.Y. The connection between the relationship style and the level of business organization employees' job satisfaction

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Letyagina S.C., Gainutdinova I.R. Social and psychological aspects of organizational loyalty employees signonomicheskih types of occupations

March, 2015