Articles by keyword «sense»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Методологический анализ понятий феминности и азиатской принадлежности в дискурсе социологии расы (на примере Японии)

№ 7 July 2015 | Category: 22.00.00 Sociology

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kornienko A.F. Value and the sense of word and speech

March, 2015

Kornienko A.F. The common concept of sense and mechanisms of its creation

April, 2015

Zhukov A.S., Komova D.D. On the issue of psycho-pedagogical adaptation of teaching foreign languages to the information overload

March, 2016

Gadakchyan A.S. Phraseological units and metaphors in the texts of english-speaking «yellow press»: reader’s interpretation peculiarities

October, 2016

Shamilova Z.M. To the question of verb forms in the function of adjectives in the German language

January, 2018