Articles by keyword «районирование»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Региональные техногенные факторы и их воздействие на природную среду Пермского края

№ 7 July 2016 | Category: 11.00.00 Geography

Геоэкологическая оценка горнозаводского района

№ 11 November 2016 | Category: 25.00.00 Earth science

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Yamilov R.M. Russian World vs the Anglo-Saxon World: myths, illusions and allusions of building an effective economic system

April, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Kozlov P.G., Fediuk R.S., Khramov D.A. To the question of settlement characteristics of clayey soils subgrade design and pavement reconstruction (on the example of the southern Far East)

January, 2016