Author: Цеглеев Эдуард Александрович

Articles of the author in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

82-й рекрутский набор 1812 г. в Вятской губернии

№ 4 April 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Благотворительность в Вятской губернии в эпоху наполеоновских войн

№ 4 April 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Празднование в 1814 г. в Вятской губернии «Дня Победы» над наполеоновской Францией

№ 4 April 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Система управления и административное устройство Вятской губернии в начале XӀX века

№ 10 October 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Ополчение 1812 г.: формирование Казанского полка

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Казанский ополченческий полк: от Волги до Эльбы

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Казанский ополченческий полк в боях под Дрезденом осенью 1813 г.

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Гренадерский графа Аракчеева полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг

№ 7 July 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Лейб-гренадерский полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Санкт-Петербургский гренадерский полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг.

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Русские гренадеры в Бородинском сражении

№ 3 March 2016 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Вятское Земское Войско 1806-1814 гг.

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Articles of the author in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Zegleev E.A. Additional home guard of the Vyatka province in the years 1812-1813

February, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The distribution of the prisoners or war from the Great Army of Napoleon in the Vyatka province in 1812-1813

February, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The battalion of grand princess Catherine Pawlovna during 1813 autumn campaign

February, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The maintenance of the prisoners or war from the Great Army of Napoleon in the Vyatka province in 1812-1814

February, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The serfs of the Vyatka province in the home guard of 1812

November, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The Vyatka volunteers in the home guard of 1812

November, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Ekaterinoslav grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Malorossiya grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Siberia grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015

Homyakov M.A. The territorial army of the Vyatka province in 1806-1814 years

March, 2016

Sukhih S.G. The volunteer corps of the Vyatka province in 1812 year

February, 2017

Zegleev E.A. Russian Grenadiers in the Napoleonic wars in 1805-1807 years

February, 2017

Articles of the author in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Zegleev E.A. The threat of Napoleon’s invasion to Russia in 1806 and establishing of the Territorial Army

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Military and demographic policy of Russia during the epoch of Napoleonic wars

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The Territorial Army of Russia in 1806-1807 years

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The Territorial Army of the Vyatka province in 1806-1807 years

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Breaking up of the Territorial Army of the Vyatka province

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Kiev grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Moscow grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Цеглеев Э.А. Tauria grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015

Koryakin A.N. Vyatka volunteer troops in 1812

March, 2016

Articles of the author in journal «History and Archeology»

Zegleev E.A. The structure of population of the Vyatka province in the first third of the XIX-th century

September, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The social infrastructure of the Vyatka province in the beginning of the XIX-th century

September, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The Kazanskiy home guard regiment in 1814

January, 2015

Zegleev E.A. The maintenance of the prisoners or war from the Great Army of Napoleon in the Vyatka province in 1813-1816

January, 2015

Zegleev E.A. The Patriotic war 1812 and the Territorial army of Russia

January, 2015

Zegleev E.A. The supply of horses from the Vyatka province to Russian cavalry in spring 1813

February, 2015

Zegleev E.A. The supply of horses from the Vyatka province to Russian cavalry in summer 1813

February, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Astrakhan grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Paul's grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Fanagoria grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015