Author: Шеметев Александр Александрович

Information about author:
Александр Александрович Шеметев (Alexander A. Shemetev)
Закончил 4 высших образования с отличием по специальностям: - Антикризисное управление (УрГУ) - Финансовый менеджмент (УрГСХА) - Переводчик с английского языка (УрГУ) - Переводчик с немецкого языка (УрГУ).
Автор книги 'Самоучитель по антикризисному управлению для директоров и владельцев фирм', которая стала Лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую научную книгу 2009 года.
В 2010 году вышла в свет новая книга 'Самоучитель по комплексному финансовому анализу и прогнозированию банкротства; а также по финансовому менеджменту-маркетингу'. Сейчас в печати находятся две книги. Автор более 40 научных статей.
Graduated from 4 higher educations with honors in the next majors: - Anticrisis management (USU) - Financial management (USACA) - English language interpreter (USU) - German language interpreter (USU).
'Anticrisis financial management self-taught book for commercial firm directors and business owners' book author. The book became a Laureate for the Best scientific book 2009 all-Russian competitions.
A new book was published in 2010: 'Complex financial analysis and bankruptcy prognosing and also Financial management-marketing Self-Taught book'. Two more books are in publication process now. The author published more than 40 scientific papers.
He wrote two PhD dissertations by now (08.00.05 'Economics and management at enterprises in industries' и 08.00.10 'Finance, monetary turnover and credit'). The dissertations are about to be protected. He passed 6 final qualification exams on excellent marks in both PhD studies.

Alexander A. Shemetev Graduated from 4 higher educations with honors in the next majors:
- Anticrisis management (USU)
- Financial management (USACA)
- English language interpreter (USU)
- German language interpreter (USU).
'Anticrisis financial management self-taught book for commercial firm directors and business owners' book author. The book became a Laureate for the Best scientific book 2009 all-Russian competitions. A new book was published in 2010: 'Complex financial analysis and bankruptcy prognosing and also Financial management-marketing Self-Taught book'. Two more books are in publication process now. The author published more than 40 scientific papers. He wrote two PhD dissertations by now (08.00.05 'Economics and management at enterprises in industries' и 08.00.10 'Finance, monetary turnover and credit'). The dissertations are about to be protected. He passed 6 final qualification exams on excellent marks in both PhD studies.
Alexander A. Shemetev knows next foreign languages: Old Bulgarian (fluently), Russian (Fluently), English (Fluently), German (Fluently), Greek (few words), Portugese (with vocabulary), Spanish (with vocabulary), Chech (with vocabulary).

Articles of the author in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Utilizando os bancos do mecanismo de otimização Restatements

№ 1 May 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Формирование инвестиционной привлекательности Иркутского региона

№ 2 June 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Did ancient Greek people live in Russia?!

№ 2 June 2011 | Category: 07.00.00 History, 08.00.00 Economics, 11.00.00 Geography

Les relations monétaires - comme l'expérience la plus ancienne et naturelle de l'humanité

№ 2 June 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Применение логистической регрессии при разрешении парадигмальной задачи прогнозирования вероятности банкротства бизнес-систем в современных российских условиях (на примере авторской доработки исследования университета г. Гента (Бельгия)); концепция сегментации российского рынка компаний и банков на основе матриц прогнозирования банкротства и сценарного подхода

№ 2 June 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Прогнозирование банкротства регионального коммерческого банка в условиях ограниченности исходных данных

№ 2 June 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Общая теория совершенствования экономического механизма управления рисками на предприятии

№ 3 July 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

ABC: Quando você tem cinco minutos, uma caneta e lápis - como fazer uma previsão efetiva se um banco falha ou não! E quando você tem 10 minutos - é mais que suficiente para uma boa análise qualitativa de falência do banco em potencial! E também: como analisar a estabilidade de todos os bancos na região por alguns minutos?

№ 4 August 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

ABC: Cuando tienes cinco minutos, un bolígrafo y un lápiz – cómo hacer un pronóstico eficaz si un banco quiebra o no! Y cuando usted tiene diez minutos – es mucho más que suficiente para un buen análisis cualitativo de la quiebra del banco potencial! Y también: ¿cómo hacer un análisis de la estabilidad de todos los bancos en la región durante varios minutos?

№ 4 August 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

ABC: Quando você tem cinco minutos, uma caneta e lápis - como fazer uma previsão efetiva se um banco falha ou não! E quando você tem 10 minutos - é mais que suficiente para uma boa análise qualitativa de falência do banco em potencial! E também: como analisar a estabilidade de todos os bancos na região por alguns minutos?

№ 5 September 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Monetary relations - as the most ancient and natural experience of mankind; the psychological aspect of business, or Business as psychology and the origin of the practical use of the risks matrix analysis in managing the systems in Europe

№ 5 September 2011 | Category: 07.00.00 History, 08.00.00 Economics

Юстировка экономических задач через призму синхронного диалектического развития

№ 5 September 2011 | Category: 07.00.00 History, 08.00.00 Economics

Forecasting bankruptcy and financial stability of regional commercial banks with limited input data

№ 6 October 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

How to prognosis complex risks in Russia using the A-matrix method, when people may make optimization transformations of financial statements

№ 7 November 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Working-out the self-model of Alexander Shemetev for firms’ bankruptcy forecasting based on synthesis of 42-years experience of Ghent University

№ 7 November 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Основные средства предприятия: особенности определения понятия амортизация по правилам налогового и бухгалтерского учета по состоянию на конец 2011 - начало 2012 года; влияние амортизации на базу для определения налога на имущество предприятия

№ 7 November 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Financial management-marketing of the Russian market

№ 8 December 2011 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Prévoir la faillite et de la stabilité financière de banques commerciales régionales avec les données d'entrée limités

№ 7 July 2012 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

L'aspect psychologique de l'entreprise, ou d'affaires que la psychologie

№ 7 July 2012 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

L'origine de l'utilisation pratique de l'matrice d'analyse des risques dans la gestion des systèmes en Europe

№ 7 July 2012 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics