Author: Лесевицкий Алексей Владимирович

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Articles of the author in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Критика эвдемонистической концепции К. Маркса в свете эволюционной теории диктата В.М. Кайтукова

№ 11 November 2016 | Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

«Pre-eurasianism» as a phemenon of publicism F.М. Dostoyevsky

№ 3 March 2017 | Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Ф.М. Достоевский как апологет марксизма: к вопросу об интерпретации некоторых фрагментов романа «Бесы»

№ 5 May 2022 | Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Анализ элементов экзистенциального дискурса в романе А. М. Горького «Жизнь Клима Самгина»

№ 12 December 2023 | Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Articles of the author in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Лесевицкий А.В. Исследование сущности соборной феноменологии в творчестве Ф.М. Достоевского

April, 2012

Лесевицкий А.В. Исследование феномена «пограничной ситуации» в произведениях Ф.М. Достоевского и экзистенциальных авторов

April, 2012

Lesevitsky A.V. F.M. Dostoevsky and H. Marcuse (philosophical twins)

April, 2012

Лесевицкий А.В. Проблема теории либерализма в историософии Ф.М. Достоевского

May, 2012

Lesevitsky A.V. The image of a man of the future: the transition to sverhmodern

July, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. Psychosocial discourse F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Notes from Underground"

July, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. Individual and social conflict in the existential philosophy of F.M. Dostoevsky

August, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. Eurasian phenomenology novel F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"

August, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. Psychoanalytic interpretation of existential meaning of life heroes of the F.M. Dostoyevsky

September, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. F.M. Dostoevsky as a critic of metaphysics Russian liberalism

November, 2013

Lesevitsky A.V. History understanding existential meanings F.M. Dostoevsky and comparative analysis of their interpretation in nonclassical philosophy

March, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. On the regulatory functions of legal norms in the work of F.M. Dostoevsky

April, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. The image of man in future novels FM Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov"

July, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. Legend of the Grand Inquisitor F.M. Dostoevsky in the light of evolutionary theory dictates

August, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. PRoblem of the alienation of man from nature in the existential discourse F.M. Dostoevsky

October, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. F.M. Dostoevsky and К. Marx: the unity and struggle of opposites

December, 2014

Lesevitsky A.V. Microanalysis F.M. Dostoevsky's end does not justify, and defines the means

January, 2015

Lesevitsky A.V. Love and the problem of alienation in the work of J.-P. Sartre and F.M. Dostoevsky

February, 2015

Lesevitsky A.V. Postmodern and humanitarian crisis of consciousness

April, 2015

Lesevitskiy A.V., Khorosheva E.I. The logic of the simulacrum and the crisis of historical science

June, 2015

Lesevitskiy A.V., Khorosheva E.I. The conception of “borrowing rate” in K. Marx’s “Capital”

June, 2015

Lesevitskiy A.V., Khorosheva E.I. Causes of society alcoholization in works by F.M. Dostoevsky and causes of political sociology of F. Engels

July, 2015

Lesevitskiy A.V. The logic of the Eurasian doctrine in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky

January, 2016

Lesevitskiy A.V., Khorosheva E.I. Was F. M. Dostoevsky "a great orthodox Apostle"?

April, 2016