Svetlov Sergey Viktorovich1, Lokhmatov Stepan Yurievich2, Garmanov Sergey Semenovich3
1Moscow Technologic University, student, 4th course
2Moscow Technologic University, student, 4th course
3Moscow Technologic University, PhD in military science, Assistant Professor of Military Department

This article contains an overview and description of the authentication mechanism in mobile communication networks and existing Russian and foreign algorithms. Here are the results of the benchmark of cryptographic primitives used in foreign algorithms for processors with the ARM- architecture.

Keywords: ARM-architecture, ARM-архитектура, authentication in mobile communication networks, MILENAGE, S3G-128, S3G-256, TUAK

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Authentication algorithms in mobile communication networks // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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