Avdeev Yuriy Mihaylovich1, Hamitova Svetlana Mihaylovna2, Garanovich Igor Mihaylovich3, Gavrilova Yuliya Sergeevna4, Shasherina Mariya Aleksandrovna5
1Vologda GMHA they NV Vereshchagin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Plant, agriculture and agricultural chemistry
2Vologda GMHA they NV Vereshchagin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Pre-cent of crop agriculture and agricultural chemistry
3Minsk Botanical Garden, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory
4Vologda GMHA name NV Vereshchagin, student
5Vologda GMHA name NV Vereshchagin, student

In article are briefly analysed main trends of the study of the question of the shaping gnarl stem tree on territory of the Russia, overseas and on European North, happen to new given about development of the kronas stem pines in culture, is revealled correlations parameter gnarl with height and is built to models and graphs as of dependency, which can be used practically at selection tree for chopping of the care.

Keywords: co-sleeping, forest cultivation, forest plantations, modeling, planting, quality wood, suchkovatost, thinning

Category: 06.00.00 Agriculture

Article reference:
Evaluation of defects of timber in pine plantations // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/02/63204

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