Kondratev Aleksandr Nikolaevich
«Channel processes» Ltd

It was made the analysis of the history of channel processes study as a scientific discipline. The aims will be achieved through the following tasks: 1. Brief analysis of channel processes study as a scientific discipline. 2. Consideration of the development of channel processes study over the last 150 years. 3. The allocation of characteristic stages of development of channel processes study. 4. The clarification of the prospects for the development of channel processes study as a scientific discipline. The analysis helped to identify the actual development of channel processes study in the near future. Found that promising introduction to channel processes methods of statistics, that is, the transition from dynamic to stochastic representations.

Keywords: channel processes, history of channel processes study, non-alluvial river, river channel deformation calculation methods, types of channel processes

Category: 25.00.00 Earth science

Article reference:
History of channel processes study // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/12/76321

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