Dolmatov Alexey Viktorovich1, Milyukova Irina Vasilevna1, Purgin Andrey Maksimovich1, Isakova Irina Maksimovna1
1Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk

The paper studies the relation of the spectral emissivity and structurally-phase composition of the material for the development of new optical diagnostic methods of structure in high-speed processes (gas-thermal spraying, laser direct cultivation, SHS and others.). With the help of the experimental complex, built on the original method of spectral-brightness pyrometry (SBP), with a resolution of 5.9 microns made of thermal recording processes of structure formation of nitrides and oxides of tungsten on the surface of the foil during the stationary electric heating. Constructed the temperature dependence of the spectral emissivity of the samples in the range of 1200-3200 K with an accuracy of 1-3%. Measured the temperatures of the phase transitions. Experiments with "freeze" the structure of samples allowed to identify their a phase composition and explain the behavior of the emissivity of the next pattern formation phenomena. The experiment confirmed the possibility of the optical control of structural and phase states of matter at temperatures above 2000K with spatial and temporal resolution of up to 1 mkm and 10 mks, respectively. This work was supported by RFBR, the project №15-48-00100.

Keywords: argon, brightness, diagnostic, heat, phase transition, pyrometry, spectral, structure, temperature, tungsten

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Pyrometric study of structure formation in the stationary tungsten heating // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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