Yalovega Galina Eduardovna1, Maltcev Stanislav Viktorovich2, Averkina Lidia Aleksandrovna3, Posevina Anastasia Nikolaevna4, Funik Anton Olegovich5, Kozyreva Natalia Olegovna6
1Southern Federal University, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate professor, professor of physics of nanosystems and spectroscopy faculty of Physics
2Rostov State Medical University, сandidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of childhood diseases №2
3Rostov State Medical University, post-graduate student of the department of children's diseases №2
4Rostov State Medical University, post-graduate student of the department of children's diseases №2
5Southern Federal University, junior researcher of the department of physics of nanosystems and spectroscopy Faculty of Physics
6Regional children's hospital of Rostov-on-Don, сandidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician

One of the urgent problems of Pediatrics is a steady increase in the frequency of allergic diseases in young children, in particular urticaria. One of the factors of development of atopic diseases is dismikroelementoz body. The article presents an analysis of trace element composition of hair of children with acute urticaria. Dismikroelementoz these patients was characterized by a significant decrease in zinc and calcium content in comparison with the group of healthy children.

Keywords: allergodermatoses, atopy, children, trace elements, urticaria

Category: 14.00.00 Medicine

Article reference:
Feature dismicroelementoses in children with urticaria // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/03/65814

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