Berestok Gregory Michaylovich1, Gulyaev Pavel Yurevich2, Dolmatov Alexey Viktorovich3, Milyukova Irina Vasilevna4
1Ugra State University, Ph.D. student of Ugra State University
2Ugra State University, Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor of "Physics-chemistry of processes and materials"
3Ugra State University, Ph.D., Associate Professor of "Physics-chemistry of processes and materials"
4Ugra State University, Ph.D., Associate Professor of "Physics-chemistry of processes and materials"

The system of optical control of the SH-Synthesis process based on high-speed camera "VideoSprint" (production of SPC "Videoscan", Russia) and the environment MATLAB. The purpose of the system is the determination of the velocity, size of the area, of the temperature of the synthesis reaction of the material. Developed a thermal imaging system with a frame size of 1280x1024 pixel, resolution of less than 6 microns per pixel, shooting speed of up to 50,000 frames per second and a temperature range of 1000 - 3500 K. The methods for automated analysis of data and evaluation of thermal macroparameters, depending on the stoichiometry of the boundary conditions and the heterogeneity of the charge . Results of testing of the control system in the identification of parameters of the SHS process depending on the density and the initial temperature of the charge stoichiometric NiAl.

Keywords: calibration, high-temperature synthesis, image processing and analysis, MATLAB, programming, self-propagating, SHS, speed, temperature, virtual instrument

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Optical control system of thermal parameters of SH-synthesis process // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 2. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2015/02/41226

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