Nyyazbekova Kulanda Sarsenkulovna
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay

It is well-known that in the XXI century key value the concept problem “has educations throughout all life”. It is necessary and important not only to educate all during all life, but also it is necessary to give quality education.

Keywords: comprehensive school, contents of education, education system, National and complex component, national education, Training during all life

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Education - a problem of national security // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Fast rates of development of the Kazakhstan economy and technology result in need of adequate ensuring these processes by the highly skilled labor capable flexibly to react to increasing changes on a labor market. To keep up to date, experts have to own the corresponding professional and personal qualities.

In the State program of a development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan “need of improvement of an education system, increase of its mobility for compliance to requirements of development of economy and society is e specially emphasized. Among expected results of implementation of the Program it is planned to provide transition from the principle “education for the rest of life” to “education for all throughout all life”.

In 2002 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with other countries, signed the OUN (Organization of the united nation) Millennium Declaration that meant acceptance by the country of obligations under the solution of the most problem questions of human development where welfare and population health, providing universal primary education, achievement of gender parity on all education levels, strengthening of ecological stability enters.

The main program ideas of national education of children in the spirit of originality preservation in a combination to aspiration to a civilization are stated in the Message of the President of the country to the people ” Kazakhstan – 2030″ in the section “Mission of Kazakhstan”: “By 2030, I am sure, Kazakhstan becomes the Central Asian Leopard… It will be the Kazakhstan Leopard with elitism inherent in it, independence, mind, courage and nobility, bravery and cunning. It won’t be to attack anybody the first… But if under the threat there is its freedom and the dwelling, its posterity, it will protect them at any cost… It will be wise in posterity education… taking care about its health, education and outlook, will prepare for early and independent life in the conditions of an intense competition in any environment… They will be ready to work in the conditions of modern market economy, keeping thus traditions of the ancestors. They will know equally well Kazakh, Russian and English languages. They will be patriots of the peace, Successful, fast- growing country known and dear around the world”.

Further the President notes in the Address: “… But even among priorities – education takes a special place, as… in fact education became a problem of national security”. Therefore for priority development of an education system by the President the Decree with which 1999 appears for Year of education and health of children is signed. In particular, “Children of Kazakhstan” and “Rural school and kindergarten”, children directed on social protection during social and economic transformations and reforms are provided accepting State programs.

These tasks find the reflection in the bill “About an Education”. In the section II “Education system” of the article 8 “Tasks System Educations” it is noted: “Education of civic consciousness and a patriotism, love to the Homeland – the Republic of Kazakhstan, understanding of essence and value of the state symbols, respect for folk traditions… education in the spirit of friendship between the people, understanding of the rights and duties of the personality before a family, the people, society and the state…

; creation of conditions for development of educational programs, studying of history, culture, customs and tradition Kazakh and other people of the republic”.

Due to the planned strategic tasks in the report of the ex­Minister of Education, culture and health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan of K.E.Kusherbayev at meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About work of the Ministry of Education, culture and health care on reforming of system of secondary education on performance of orders of the President” the message that the main mission of education is education at the young Kazakhstan citizen of the Kazakhstan patriotism was heard, a pride, love and respect for the Homeland, the system of measures for promotion and studying of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the state Symbols – the Flag, the Coat of arms, the Anthem takes root. Along with it it is noted that schools pay insufficient attention to introduction of subjects of a choice, such as: “World fiction”, “Religion history”, “History of national philosophy”, “Edge ecology”, “History of the Kazakh culture”, “Abayevedeniye”, etc. which bear in itself high humanistic potential.

At the same time K.E.Kusherbayev noted the extremely difficult situation which is tested by the Kazakh school that if at the minimum of requirements for school the teacher is necessary, the textbook and funds for financing, even the Kazakh schools, unfortunately, aren’t provided with this minimum. Stating poor quality of textbooks, training programs, grants, didactic materials for the Kazakh schools, both in scientific and methodical, and in the technical (typographical and publishing) relation, the minister as comparison gives such figures: for example, if since 1991 the number of the Kazakh schools increased on 207, and in 1996-1997 academic year their quantity was 3386, in 1997-1998 academic year this figure decreased to 3291, i.e. only in one year the number of the Kazakh schools was reduced on 95. If to it to add quantity of the reduced small schools – 98 (and all of them – Kazakh), it everything visually shows and without that a difficult situation of the Kazakh population, living in remote from the central estates, in villages. And if the Address of the President of the republic to the people “Kazakhstan-2030″ is apprehended as the designated prospect in development of national education, the report of the minister characterizing a real situation in this sphere today, more than visually shows contradictions between requirements of society, the state for the full-fledged national, Kazakh school, capable to attach young generation to the national and universal values, national culture promoting revival and traditions of the people, and that real situation in which there was the Kazakh school which still hasn’t developed in a uniform continuous education system with the Kazakh language of training.

Also original, complete educational and methodical system of training in the Kazakh language both in averages special, and in higher educational institutions isn’t developed.

Thus, the problem consists in permission of the specified contradictions and improvement of teaching and educational process at the Kazakh school, rendering from the state of care of it because the education problem became for today as it is noted by the President of the country, “a problem of national security”.

Such difficult condition of a situation at modern Kazakh school is, first, a consequence of heritage of the near past when the content of formation of educational work and all educational and methodical system was in full submission of the allied ministry. The Kazakh schools actually “copied” schools of Russia in the methodological plan, without any accounting of national, regional, geopolitical features, and also distinctions in culture, language, science etc. Secondly, problems of the Kazakh school are connected with difficulties of the social and economic order, arising in the conditions of a transition period in country lives, i.e. so-called difficulties of growth.

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