Yamilov Ramil Mogatovich
Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Federal STATE budgetary educational institution of higher professional education of the Izhevsk state technical University of a name of M. T. Kalashnikov
Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Economic Sciences and Humanities"

The concept SPOD-world. The concept of deficit factors. Proposed the concept of VUCA-SPOD policies and strategies. Critically considered lateral management. The concept of combinatorial management. The algorithm of combinatorial marketing.

Keywords: alignment, capacity factor, consumer., Economics of overcrowding, entity, factor, factor deficiency, lateral marketing, limit consumption combinatorial marketing, search strategy combinatorial strategy, SPOD, SPOD-world, SPOD-мир, SPOD-стратегия, value, VUCA strategy, VUCA-world is, VUCA-мир, VUCA-стратегия

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Combinatorial marketing // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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