Smogunov Vladimir Vasilyevich1, Belousova Irina Borisovna2, Kuznetsov Nikita Sergeevich3, Shorin Vladimir Alekseevich4, Kulagina Tatyana Sergeevna5
1Penza State University, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
2Penza State University, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theory of Physical culture and sport
3Penza State University, student
4Penza State University, candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
5Penza State University, student

This article is devoted to the concept of the controler of heterostructures of integrative metasystem. In article complexes of predictors of cardiovascular events for self-checking of the integrative metablood circulatory system are described. Justification of possibility of an assessment of blood viscosity, rigidity of vessels, the left ventricle and the mitralny valve according to measurements of arterial pressure and pulse is given. The controller's concept with artificial intelligence for self-checking of 10 parameters of the blood circulatory system is offered.

Keywords: blood circulatory system, blood pressure, concept of the controler, heterostructures, integrative metasystems, pressure monitor, pulse

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Concept of the controler of heterostructures of integrative metasystem // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 3. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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