Zargaryan Yuriy Arturovich1, Soloviev Viktor Vladimirovich2, Korinec Anastasiya Dmitrievna3, Abramov Maksim Aleksandrovich4
1Southern Federal University, Ph.D., assistant of automatic control systems department
2Southern Federal University, senior Lecturer of automatic control systems department
3Southern Federal University, student of automatic control systems department
4Southern Federal University, student of automatic control systems department

The article is devoted to the development of a new method of modeling systems design, based on the expert ranking criteria for the subsequent search of Pareto-optimal solutions in multi-tasks.

Keywords: decision theory, multi-criteria problems, Pareto optimum methods of system analysis, the ranking criteria, theory of fuzzy sets

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Modeling of systems with many design criteria // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2013. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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