Shemetev Alexander Aleksandrovich
Saint-Petersburg State Polar Academy
PhD (Finance), Associate Professor

In modern Russia today more and more attention is paid to risk management. The successful organization of risk management in domestic organizations should help to resolve such problems of the Russian economy, as overcoming the consequences of the economic and financial crisis, overcoming logistical Russia's backwardness in many industries and areas of the economy at the present stage of development and in solving of other pressing problems. Thus, an essential element for the growth of the Russian economy, in particular, the development of production and improve the competitiveness of domestic companies in the domestic and foreign markets is to increase the value and efficiency of the mechanisms of risk management. This aspect is an important concept in the development of the Russian Federation and the key in the interests of Russian society as a whole. Urgency of the problem is further increased due to the current economic and financial crisis, when domestic investors are increasingly looking for projects to invest temporarily idle funds, which would allow providing the return on investment in a crisis environment. Among these projects that attracted an increasing attention one could stress highly profitable business system. However, the high return on investment often means high risks. The crisis of several large investment projects and companies often extends a chain reaction of non-payments within a region in which these business systems operate. This is especially significant when a company becomes a kind of economic center of a village, municipality or even the edge of a large metropolis.

Keywords: economic mechanisms, efficiency monitoring, Risk-management

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Risk-management economic mechanisms’ efficiency monitoring: empirical and fundamental essences // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2013. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2013/05/24470

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