Mashkova Larisa Aleksandrovna
Higher School of Economics
PhD on Philology Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Department of English at the Faculty of Law

The article in question considers all stages of “life” of a work of verbal art, from nascency to perception, from the point of view of the hermeneutical approach to understanding, at the same time the latter is separated from interpretation. Considerable attention is devoted to the dialectics of interrelation between the objective and the subjective in literature, to the analysis of the dialogic character of understanding, as well as to the influence of language on the author’s thought. Widely spread pessimism regarding the possibility of understanding is jettisoned; on the other hand, the superficial, interpretive approach to understanding is also rejected. Aspiration for attaining genuine understanding, attempts to break through the thick crust of obstacles (and yet not yielding to any “mystical” temptation!) are emphasised and encouraged for their high moral significance.

Keywords: dialogic character, hermeneutical approach, hermeneutics, interpretation, intersubjectivity, language and the author’s thought, the objective and the subjective, understanding, verity attainment in creative activity

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Понимание литературно-художественного текста: парадигма возможностей // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2011. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2011/12/5808

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